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It was later in the evening, the sun had gone down and the whole yard was filled with white lights. Harry took my hand and he smiled big for me.


I swallowed.

"For the night?"

He nodded. We didn't chose to say goodbye to all the others, instead he took hard my hand and we started walking down to the beach. Even the way down there was illuminated with lamps. I felt the tingling in my body and I could only smile. It was like in a dream, or better, like in a movie, a love movie.

When we got down to the beach I noticed a small rowing boat that was waiting for us. We slipped quickly into the boat and the man in it began to take us out to sea. I just breathed calmly and tried to see where we were going. The whole time, Harry hugged my hand calmly and both he and I were silent. It was magical. The sky was starry and the air was perfectly cool, but still warm.

I saw something in the water and it took me a while to realize that it was a big boat. Yes, a luxury boat that was there and that's where we were heading. I looked quickly at Harry, but chose not to contest the election. Was this cheap? Harry seemed to read my mind and he leaned gently against my ear.

"It cost nothing." he whispered dark. "I have contacts."

We stopped at one side of the boat. Harry pulled down a ladder and we climbed up. The rowboat went back to the land and we were now alone. Immediately Harry looked up the light button. He pressed it and immediately it lit up the boat in a poor and nice light. Yes, even the lamps were well planned. The boat was pretty big. Down in it was a big bed and a bar. There was the option to sit outside on sun loungers and there was a toilet. I didn't know what to say. I stood on the boat and looked toward land. I saw far away the light from the house and then I looked at Harry again. He switched on the music, yes quiet music that just was there, in the background, and he smiled at me.

"Well? Happy?"

I nodded. He went inside the boat and came back with two drinks. He gave over one of the glasses to me and we looked at each other. I sipped the drink and sat down. I tried to land in reality. Harry smiled at me and put his glass down. I watched as he slowly began to pull off his clothes. He folded them, and he chose to take one garment after the other garment until he had only got the boxers on. Harry walked up to me and took the glass from me. He put me upstanding  and then he did the same with my clothes. Slowly he took off everywhere, until U only got my boxers on. He then took all the clothes and put them away. I was quick to take back my glass and drink it all up.

Harry came back. He smiled big when he saw my face.

"I said you don't need to be nervous?"

I smiled at him and stood up. He walked up to me and took his hands around my waist. He brought together our bodies and he looked straight into my eyes. My hands slipped around his neck.

"I'm not nervous." I got a horse up, long after the question was asked. Harry kissed me and laughed a little. He let his hands slide down over my butt and he squeezed my buttocks with his hands.


I groaned.

"Yes, honorable husband..."

He crooked his smile and raised eyebrows.

"We wont do as we usually do." he whispered hoarsely. "We'll do it all night and tonight we'll make love."

I nodded uncertainly. I felt his hands slid inside my inside my boxers, back down over my buttocks. I responded. Yes, I was now hard down there and I couldn't hide it. Then he started to kiss me. It was one of those kisses with love, and I answered it. Yes, it was still as if we were inside a good love movie.

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