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I had left Ed's apartment. I put all the things in the car and drove out to the forest. Yes, I found an area that was far from a house where I dug a pit. I filled the pit with CD discs, and what was left of the computer. I poured leaves and ignition fluid over it. I put up a fire over it and I stood there until every CD had melted. Then I dug down everything under a spruce. I put sand, sticks and other things over the aria, so no one knew I had been there. It was a relief. I then left and went back to Ed's apartment. When I came into the bedroom, I was no longer alone with Ed. A big strong man stood there with a gun and he had killed Ed. Yes, I saw the blood running down his body. The man smiled at me. He was from Russia.

"You did me a favor, boy." he said kindly, and laughed a little. "Without you I wouldn't have been able to kill this idiot."

I hesitated. It felt unimportant to remember the man's face, I was afraid.

"Are you going to kill me?"

He shook his head and nodded at the dead body.

"No, it was he as was the goal. He threatened my son and destroyed half my family's life, just because my son wanted to have some fun with him." He then looked at me again. "And you don't need to tell me about what he did to you. I was in the apartment across the street and I saw everything."

I swallowed and I felt small.

"You saw everything?"

He smiled.

"Relax, I wont tell a single person about that part. You were still the victim of it all and it was Ed who ruined your life. You helped me to get rid of the evidence, and now I'll help you to get rid of his body."

It felt like I was in a movie with the mafia in it. Yeah, like I was the good guy, and before me was the mafia boss. He took a few steps toward Ed and poked at him with the weapon.

"Yes, he's dead." he whispered dark. "And now it's the end of all misery."

That night I showered in Ed's apartment. That old man burned all my clothes and he ordered so I got new clothes, who looked exactly like my old ones. Complicated, but still effective. He made a call and it appeared a lot of other men. Quickly they cleaned through the apartment, yes they removed all evidence that something had happened. They took away the corpse and removed the chains. It was as if they cleaned out all evidence that Ed had ever lived there.

I admit that I was fascinated by how effective they were, but at the same time it was scary. They also made in order inside Ed's secret room. They cleaned it and put up a new computer. I wanted to ask what they had inside the computer, but I chose not to be curious. After all, we helped each other? I was partly grateful that it was he who killed Ed, because I suspected that I would otherwise had been the killer. Yes, I guessed that Ed had never given up, and he had continued.

As we stood outside the house the man smiled at me.

"I never saw you and you never saw me."

I hesitated a little.

"Is that all?"

He nodded.

"Well, is there anything else you need to do?"

I shook my head.

"No, everything's fine."

He nodded with satisfaction and looked at me closely.

"Then I wish you a nice life and I hope you take care of your husband." He walked toward the car. "Bye, Harry."

The last words made me realize, he knew who I was? Yes, maybe he had investigated me because I was the last person Ed ever used? I swallowed and I chose to let go of that feeling. As long as I was quiet, wouldn't that man ever follow me or look for me. I was sure I would never see him ever again, as sure as I was that the police would never understand what really happened.

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