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Brendan watched me closely when I came into the kitchen. He knew where I had been, and he knew why.

"So you got to hand over the money?"

I sank down on the chair and nodded. We lived far out in the country, in a house that needed renovation, but I had lost my strength for that. Yes, I chose to be with Brendan and when he was eighteen years old, his parents found out that we were married. I chose the easy way out because I didn't dare to be all alone. Again, I had lied to Niall, but not about the money. I had got the check in my pocket for five years and I was hoping for a call from Niall. Brendan had lived with me, knowing that I had left him, the day Niall would call. But that day would never come. I didn't love Brendan, but he was my pastime. He agreed that I fucked with everyone, only I was living  with him.

"Are you going to move in together?" he asked silly. He saw at my face that would never happen, but he wanted to know. I looked up at him.

"No, he has moved on."

I saw how relieved he now was over that. I saw that he seemed to be happy, but he tried to hide it from me.

"I'm sorry Harry."

I rolled my eyes.

"No you're not sorry."

He swallowed and walked over to me.

"The playroom?"

I sighed and I frowned.

"No, thanks!"

He smiled awry. Yes, he knew what he would do. He chose to go down on his knees and he put his hands on her thighs. He looked down at the floor.

"Can master punish me?" he whispered hoarsely. "I've been a naughty boy today."

I swallowed and looked at him closely. This game we played daily. It was our way of coping with life.

"What have you done?"

Brendan smiled a little bit. He knew what he would say.

"I touched myself."

I closed my eyes and I felt how the body reacted.

"Where did you touched yourself?"

He played sad, he played shameful.

"I touched my cock. I grabbed it and I let my hand satisfy me." He sighed a bit dejectedly. "You must punish me."

I stood up and slowly, I pulled off my jacket and shirt. I pulled off my shoes and socks, but I kept my pants on. I groaned and looked coldly down at him.

"In about three minutes, you'll be in the play room, naked and ready."

He nodded.

"Yes, master."

Brendan ran down to the room in the cellar. I stood in the kitchen and I could feel my cock be pressed up. I closed my eyes and I tried to let go of Niall. Yes, I wanted to give him the freedom to never meet me again. This was the last time that I would find him. I just wanted to know that he had Diana's money, and that was all. I was already far down in the depths. I found myself in a dark abyss, and I never ever wanted him to meet me there. He belonged to the light.


I know I'm filthy, but for some reason I see Harry as that person. He knows what he wants, he knows how to get it and he wont let anyone stop him. For me, he stands for strength, in reality. He dares to walk against the grain and he dares to be himself. This story isn't a tribute, no it's just me who dream up a lot of stupid things. I hope you liked what you read. I tried to create drama. I continue to love the end where there's no happiness and that stuff. It's only in fairy tales that one gets a happy ending.

Hug Nelly ♥

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