3. Pink Hair

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A/n - Sorry I dispeared guys. My internet connection malfunctioned. There will be regular updates from tomorrow onwards. Thank you. Love you. 😍

Pink Hair

Pealing off the soiled surgical gloves, I exited the OR

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Pealing off the soiled surgical gloves, I exited the OR. My job is finished there. Stitching and closing off the patient is other surgeons' duty. I'm glad that this is my last surgery for the day. I was exhausted after the five hours spine surgery.

Ditching my robe and face mask at the rest room I washed my hands and face in cold water. I pick the intercom and dialed the restaurant.

"I'm Dr. Phana. Send me a coffee to Surgeon's rest room, please." I said when the service personal answered.

Dropping on the comfortable sofa I fished out my phone from the pocket and switch it on. There were several massages. Nothing urgent.

Pring - Sunday family dinner at my parents place. Don't forgot. Be there at twelve.

I swiped it off.

Beam - Party at my place on Friday night with just us crazy med gang. Dr. Phana, what do you say?

I smiled. It's always nice to meet my best friends. Now that we're all in different professions, we hardly meet.

I'm in. I think I'm low on my crazy med gang doze. How about inviting Forth and Bright too?

I haven't seen those tough engineering boys in months. It would be nice to hang out with them. Especially after my hectic schedule. I swiped to the next message.

Kit - Pha, I need a favor. Call me when you are free.

I frowned. Kit is never the type to ask favors. What could it be? I thumbed his number and took the call.

"Hello, Pha?"

"Yeah, what is it?" I gestured for the service personal, who just entered the room hesitantly, to come and serve me the coffee.

"I want you to see this patient for me. It seems he has a case of Osteoarthritis knee. I'm not sure. Just a hunch." It's not strange for my doctor friends to direct their patients to me from time to time. It's not just because I'm their friend. It's because I'm best at what I do.

"Sure kit. Why didn't you just send them with a letter? You didn't have to ask. You know that" That's what Kit or any other doctor did normally.

"This guy is special. He can't see you at your normal consultation hours."

"Why the hell not?" I treat all my patients equally, rich or poor. "Is he some hot shot who can't be bothered to wait in the line?" I asked irritably taking a sip from the cup of coffee. Kit chuckled.

"Relax boss. He's a celebrity alright. But he needs a private appointment not because he's a hot shot. I think he's scared about public finding out about his knee problem." Kit explained slowly.

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