47. I Like Ming

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A/n - A very very short chapter. But I feel that MingKit part is not complete without this chapter. I'm going back to PhaYo tomorrow, hopefully with a longer chapter. 😍😍😍

I Like Ming

I watched P’Kit’s sleeping face, lying besides him in the dim camp light of the tent

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I watched P’Kit’s sleeping face, lying besides him in the dim camp light of the tent. He looks so peaceful. I really should wake him up and let him have something for supper, but I don’t have the heart to disturb his peace.

I reached out to touch his cheek gently. I know what we did. I know P’Kit wants me. But there’re many unresolved things like P’Pin. I really like P’Pin. She is a very kind hearted person. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel so happy. I’ll let the time decide. No matter what happened, I won’t let him go. Because he’s mine.
His eye lids moved.

“P’Kit?” I called softly.

“Mmm?” He smiled faintly, dimples deepening. I couldn’t resist placing my lips over them. “Ming?” He mumbled turning his face to look at me, bringing our lips so close to each other. I remembered kissing him at the pool.

“Want more?” I mumbled tilting my face to brush our lips lightly. He smiled and  placed his palms on my chest to keep me from moving closer.

“Stop.” He whispered. “Where’s everyone?” he tried to sit up looking around at the empty tent. I placed one hand on his hip to stop him moving.

“Gone to look at the bats.” I said using my other hand to hold his face and turning him to me.

“What are you doing?” He asked when I tried to capture his lips.

“What do you think?” My voice is barely audible when I covered his lips with mine.

P’Kit stopped his wriggling and gave into my advances

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P’Kit stopped his wriggling and gave into my advances.

I released him when he started to struggle for breath. He still hasn’t learn how to breath properly when being kissed.

“I could kiss you whole day and still not get tired of it.” I stared down at his reddened lips parted slightly to take breaths, in and out.

“Shut up.” He mumbled. I wish I could see his adorable blush properly. When I learned down to kiss him again he placed his palm over my lips, stopping me.  I took his hand in my own. Turning it over, I placed a kiss on his palm.

“Ai’Ming.” He scolded me softly.

“Sorry.” I smiled brightly.

“You know I have to talk to Pin, right?” He asked slowly sitting up on the sleeping bag. I copied him. He’s still wearing my sweat shirt. I like it very very much. P’Kit in my clothes is adorable. He looks like a child wearing daddy’s cloths. Oh my god shut your brain Ming, please don’t go there. Not yet.

“Are you listening?” P’Kit nudged my stomach.

“Errr… yeah.”

“Pin is a reasonable person and a decent human being. I don’t think there’s anything I cannot resolve by talking to her.” He rubbed the in seam of the sleep pant he was wearing. “Besides, we’re friends.” He looked up at me abruptly, eyes shining brighter in the enclosed space of dimly lit tent. “Will you be patient with me? I know you have already been very patient with me. Can I ask you to be patient with me again, until I talk things with Pin? It’s a  delicate matter. She’s my friend before we became a couple. I want us to stay friends even after we break up. I want to do it properly, the right way.” His voice is barely audible.

“Hey,” I touched his cheek. P’Kit looked up. “Take your time na.” I stroked his soft cheek with my fingers. “I will be waiting. Always.” He scooted closer and leaned his head on my shoulder.

We sat still in silence. The sounds of the night in the woods is so different from the city. I will love and cherish this man besides me forever because I’ve known for a very long time that he’s the right person for me.

“By the way,” P’Kit lifted his head and peered at my face. “I like Ming.” He smiled his adorable, dimples full blown smile. I turned to him with an equally happy smile.

“And I like KitKat.”

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