42. Psychotic Encounter

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A/n - About 2moons2, most people are worried about the cast. I think it's going to be the original cast except Godt. I heard in an interview from Bas few days ago that there's going to be a series with the five of them. I think he's talking about 2moons2. I know we will miss Godt but I'd still want to see KimCop and TaeTee. They say this time the focus will be on MingKit. I don't know for sure but let's wait and find out. Some say Joss will be playing Phana but this is also just speculation. But I'd rather Joss play Phana if Godt won't be there. He's suitable for the character and they both look kinda similar.
The second season will be bittersweet without Godt. But what can we do, if he doesn't want to play Phana. After all it's his personal choice.
Thank you guys for reading, voting and commenting. Thanks for simply loving me. 😍😍😘😘😘😘

Psychotic Encounter

“They caught Park today

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“They caught Park today.” I breathed out, leaning back on my pillow.

“Why would he do that?” My baby Yo wrinkled his brow, positioning himself on the bed comfortably. His image twisted and refocused on my phone. I peered into the phone screen. “Why do you think he wanted to hurt us?” He asked sadly.

“I don’t know baby. He was an old acquaintance from my University. Maybe he’s been keeping a grudge. I’d like to find out soon.” I combed my hair back thoughtfully. I hardly knew him. What could have driven him to damage us like this? Did I unintentionally hurt him during my University days? It’s so far fetched. If it’s so why did he wait all these years to take revenge?



“I miss you.” I smiled at his adorable pout.

“I miss you too love.” He leaned forward cupping his chin with both hands. “I’m going to drive up there to see you soon. Hopefully in couple of days, when this investigation finishes.” He smiled softly at my words.

The constable led me through a brightly lit corridor to a room

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The constable led me through a brightly lit corridor to a room.

“He doesn’t say anything. Just keeping his silence.” He said stopping near the door and placing his hand on the knob. “This is very unusual. We don’t normally let the plaintiff speak to the defendant, directly like this.” He scratched his head. “But I guess yours is a special case. Besides I’m a big fan of idol Yo.” He grinned. “I want him locked up for what he did to you two.” I nodded and entered the room.

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