13. My Stalker

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My Stalker

I was startled by the sounds of movements outside

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I was startled by the sounds of movements outside. It’s seven thirty on Saturday morning. Too early for staff or patients to arrive. Could it be him? I’ve seen that crazy Nong lurk around my clinic couple of times. I’ve seen the white SUV parked beside my house more than couple of times. I know that he’s stalking me.

Ever since that night he said those ambiguous words, 'I like KitKat', I’ve been avoiding him. If I saw him in the waiting room at night I would call my temporary doctor in and slip away from the back door.

I don’t know why he scares me so much. It’s just his aura screams dominant even though I’m older than him. And I'm terrified of him. Because I’m just some soft guy with a fragile body. I’m no match for him.

When the knock on the door came I jumped. I hurried to the window and pulled the curtain aside. I sighed in relief when I saw Pin standing in front of the door.

I went to the door and opened it. She was smiling up at me cutely.

“Good morning Kit!” She had a small brown puppy in one arm and on the other she was holding a pewter container.

“Good morning Pin, please come in.” I opened the door wider and she got in. “I thought you had field work today.” I took the container from her hand. “What’s this?” I asked looking at it curiously.

“We’re leaving at nine, because protest is starting at ten. But I found this little guy on my way.” She stroked the puppy lovingly. “He seems lost. So I need to take him back to animal rescue center.” She looked up. “I can’t do our date tomorrow Kit, because we’re staying overnight. So I brought you breakfast.” She nodded at the container.

I love Pin but she’s a weirdo. She’s a vegan and animal rights activist. She doesn’t use phones, because frequency from mobile disrupt the behavior of bees or some shit. She only rides bicycle because it’s eco friendly. Her intentions are good and her heart is in the right place. But sometimes it makes her a difficult person to get through to.

But she’s a sweet girl. Who brings her boyfriend breakfast on Saturdays?

“Thank you Pin, you’re an angel.” I opened the container smiling at her. But m wey smile froze on my lips. Something unrecognizable is inside the container. Of course it’s vegan food. She doesn’t even touch animal based products.

“I made them specially for you.” She stood up and started walking around with the puppy still in her hands.
“Err… looks interesting Pin, what is it?” I stared at the grilled pieces of bread with something suspiciously green in between. My stomach turned.

“It’s called the ‘Green Goddess Griller' sandwich, I got the recipe from Pete.” Pete is her partner at work and just as crazy as her.

“Smells good.” I lied. “ What’s in it?” I got hold of the piece of bread with my fingers and turned it around.
“Oh it has nutty pesto, avocado and vegan cheese.” She counted with her fingers.

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