54. Forever

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I was tired from work but I was happy

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I was tired from work but I was happy. I have someone special waiting for me at home. I know Yo would be there with a hot meal and a beautiful smile to greet me. That thought is enough for me to park the car and jog up the stairs to my apartment, eagerly.

I silently opened the door. I was surprised to hear voices coming from inside. Did Yo invite any guests?

“Mom?” I was surprised to see my mother sitting in the living room sofa and chatting with Yo, amicably.

“Phana.” She smiled looking up at me.

“What are you doing here, mom?” I dipped down to kiss her cheek. Yo’s eyes trailed after mine.

“I came here to do the cleaning with Sherry and Tia, and look who I met” She grinned waving a hand at Yo.

“Mom I’ve told you many times, you don’t have to clean for me.” I muttered, bit embarrassed that my mom is treating me like an adolescent.

“If I didn’t, then who would?” She just dismissed my words. “I’m glad that I came.” She smiled fondly at Yo. What the fuck? “Otherwise I wouldn’t get to meet this angel.” She gave another fond smile to Yo.

“Mom, you are making me shy.” Yo whined. Huh? What the hell happened? These two have already become friends? I don’t believe this.

“Mom, I said I would introduce him when the right time comes, didn’t I?” I don’t want to freak Yo out with my mom’s over bearing.

“It’s alright P’Pha. We are fine.” Yo replied gently. I sighed. I guess mom is alright. She’s the most caring person in the world I know. “And I invited mom for dinner.” He smiled sweetly.

I know Yo lost his mom when he was a child. I’m really glad that my mom decided to be nice to him. It eased lot of problems from my shoulder. My dad, though, is another story.

“I’ll get everything ready  for dinner.” Yo hurried to the Kitchen.

“Mom”, I groaned slumping down besides her. “What are you really doing here?” I slipped my hand though my hair, ruffling it. “What if he found out?”

“Dad won’t find out. I’ll make sure Sherry and Tia won’t say anything either.” She contemplated. “It’s true son. I really didn’t know Yo would be here. I didn’t plan to see him here. He was just a pleasant surprise.” She leaned forward to touch my head gently. I just sighed. “And, Phana?” I turned my head to look at her smiling face. “I approve.” I chuckled at her words. “He’s truly adorable and beautiful too.”

“Thanks mom.” I whispered, leaning back on the sofa.

“I really do like him.” She repeated. “And stop worrying, dad will come through.” She said firmly.

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