25. Just be Nong and P

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Just be Nong and P

“I like you so very much P

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“I like you so very much P.”

I can see a deep flush spreading across his cheeks in both anger and embarrassment.

“But…” I stopped him from talking by raising my palm. “I'm not going to force myself on you. I promise.” I pressed my palms together, sincerely. He parted his red lips I’ve grown to love so much, but didn’t make any sound.

“I'm not gay.” He mumbled but not without struggle.

“I didn’t say that you are.” I placed my palm on my cheek and leaned my elbow on the table. “It has nothing to do with labels. I just like you.” He was biting his lips in frustration.

“I have a girlfriend

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“I have a girlfriend.” He sighed.

“I know.” I observed his face. Why is he avoiding my eyes? I’m sure he feels something for me. But if I rush him now, he will bolt like a rabbit. So I need to approach him carefully.

“Then what’s the point of this conversation?” he asked staring at his folded hands in his lap. I should let him sleep. He looks tired.

“P’Kit?” I held his eyes. He reluctantly looked at me. “Liking you is my problem. I won’t pressure you for anything.” He blinked. “Just let me be close to you. Let me be your friend.” He slowly lowered his head again. “Please, there’s no one to look after you. So if I can’t have you as a lover, let me be your friend.” He raised his eyes to mine again. I could see that he’s struggling with his emotions. “I promise I won’t bother you.” I placed my palms together again.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea….” He trailed off but I can feel that his stance is wavering.

“I’m your Nong, nothing more.” I reassured. I don’t know why I’m doing this. But I feel that if I spend enough time with him he might show his true feelings to me.

“Fine!” He sighed. I beamed. “But if you ever bug me….” He warned with a pointed finger, giving me a cute stern look.

“I won’t bug you, promise.” I stood up and saluted him, grinning happily.

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