57. Epilogue (ForthBeam)

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One year later......

Beam gazed at the patterns of the red and black tattoo on the man lying face down in his bed

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Beam gazed at the patterns of the red and black tattoo on the man lying face down in his bed. No, in their bed. It was Forth's latest tattoo. He took it few months after he moved in.

It’s been one year since Forth moved in with him. He’s been worried sick that Forth would buy a house and move out from his house. No, their house.

He really liked the idea of the house being called as home, their home. He wanted to talk to Forth about making this permanent. He doesn’t care about the labels. What others called him and Forth, he really didn’t give a damn. Let them call housemates, partners, boyfriends, lovers. It doesn’t matter.

He just wants Forth in his bed, in his house and in his life forever, if there’s a thing called forever, that is.
However, every time he gathered his courage to discuss this with Forth, he just chickened out.

He traced his middle finger along the intricate patterns of the tattoo. He still haven’t figured out what that meant. Forth wouldn’t tell him. He just laughs it off.

Forth stirred in his slumber. Beam admired the strong back and the tanned skin, like flowing honey, only obstructed by the ink in the middle.

Forth turned his head to look at the man lying next to him, running his fingers across his back with a mysterious look. It’s the perfect way to wake up. It’s the perfect sight to behold first thing in the morning.

“Morning!” Forth reached out to touch Beam’s jaw. “What are you doing?” He asked, voice gruff from sleep.
“Trying to figure out your new tattoo.” Beam leaned in to Forth’s palm.

“You still haven’t given up?”  Forth wanted to tease Beam a little bit by keeping that information to himself, just a little bit longer. He will give it away eventually.

Beam shook his head. “I’m curious.” He wrinkled his brow. He’s been doing that a lot lately.

“Anything bothering you?” Forth asked flipping over to his back and folding a hand behind his back. Like always, Beam’s eyes flickered over Forth’s strong arms and chest.

“No,” Beam trapped his bottom lip between his teeth. “Maybe.” He hesitated. Forth moved to turned on the bed, facing Beam.

“What’s bothering you?” He touched Beam’s thick black eyebrows, contrasting starkly with his white skin.

“Mmmm….” Beam closed his eyes to compose himself before saying the words he wanted to utter. He hated being insecure. “I’m afraid of something.” He said slowly, opening his eyes.

“But you’re Beam Baramee.” Forth gazed at his face. “You are not afraid of anything.” Beam chuckled softly.

“I'm afraid of one thing, though.” Beam touched Forth’s bottom lip with his thumb. “Losing you, not having you here, not being able to wake up with you like this.” Beam exhaled. Yes he finally said it. He worded his fears.

“Beam?” Forth held Beam's hand, stopping him moving away. “Will you please look at me?” He tugged Beam’s arm to get his attention. “I’m not going anywhere.” He said firmly when Beam’s eyes finally landed on him.

Beam’s eyelashes fluttered. Forth loved how beautiful Beam’s eyes are. He didn’t notice it at first. But, damned they’re beautiful.

“Do you wanna see something?” Forth asked flipping on to his stomach. “Do you wanna know what this is?” He reached behind to touch his back. “This is the Celtic symbol for eternity.” He tapped the tattoo.

Beam shifted on the bed, his face lighting up. So Forth finally decided to give away the secret.

“Can you see this red thread of line?” Beam bent over his back. “Follow that line.” Beam placed his finger tips over the red line woven among dark lines of the complicated pattern. “Slowly…. Carefully…” Forth said softly when Beam’s fingers tip started the journey. “Do you see?”

Beam’s lips parted in surprise. He looked at Forth in amazement. Forth laughed softly.

“Do you see it?” Forth repeated.

“It’s my name.” He leaned over to peer at the red ink line curving into form Thai letters of his name. “How did I miss it?” He wondered out loud.

“Because you’re truly unobservant.” Forth accused. “Don’t you see how much I want to be with you?” Beam felt embarrassed, when Forth said those words outright. “How much I love you.” His voice turned gentle.

Beam turned away, blushing. He’s a man for God sake. It’s not becoming for a man to say such cheesy words.

“Why are you being shy now?” Forth chuckled, poking at Beam’s side.

“I'm not shy A'Forth.” Beam scowled. “How can you say it like that?” He twisted his mouth.

“Why? Don’t you love me?” Forth sprawled on the bed playfully.

“I do.” Beam hesitated. “But declaring it like that…..” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s so unmanly.” Forth laughed.

“Saying I love you is unmanly but letting me fuck you everyday is not?” Forth avoided Beam’s punch by rolling away. Forth laughed.

“Asshole!” Beam shouted, getting up from the bed. But he couldn’t get too far. Forth tackled him back to bed.

He ended up lying on his back under Forth.

Forth gazed at him fondly. Beam gazed back, his indignation wearing off.

“I won’t leave you, ever.” Forth combed his hair back and placed a kiss on Beam’s marble white forehead.

“What if you get bored?” Beam reach out to touch the side of Forth’s neck.

“I don’t know the future Beam. I don’t know what will happen in five or ten years. Let’s not dwell on things yet to happen. Let’s not get our time together spoiled by unknown future. Let’s enjoy now. Because every minute with you is precious to me.” Forth said solemnly.

Beam smiled. He’s never been content like this in all his life.

Forth leaned down to kiss Beam but Beam placed his palm on his mouth to stop him.

“Didn’t you agree to help Nong Yo today?” Beam cocked one eyebrow. Forth groaned. “Shouldn’t you be there in one hour?” Beam tapped his cheek.

“It's not fair. Can I at least have a kiss?” He tried to kiss Beam again. But Beam pushed him away, getting up from the bed.

“Huh, one kiss? We both know how one kiss will end.” He gave Forth a knowing look. “Besides aren’t you Nong Yo's special fan?” Beam walked away from the bed. Forth watched his lean fair back and limbs with a longing look.

“No, I'm YOUR number one fan now.” Forth grinned.

“Asshole!” Beam scowled. Forth’s laughed, the sound resonating around in their beautiful loving home.

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