38. A Night to Remember

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A/n - Smut alert!!!!

A Night to Remember

I watched the warm water in the shallow tub ripple around me, even from a minuscule movement of my limbs

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I watched the warm water in the shallow tub ripple around me, even from a minuscule movement of my limbs. It’s like all the scandals spreading around doesn’t even matter to me. My career, Idol life, do not hold the same significance as before. It must have something to do with P’Pha.

I chose to be a singer because of P’Pha, and I can easily say goodbye to that life because now I have him with me. He made all the difference. I closed my eyes and lay back, enjoying the bath. I can here P’Pha’s muffled voice coming from the bed room, through the door of the bathroom. He’s been on the phone with his lawyer for a while now. I wish it would be easy for him too. I wish his career wasn’t at stake with the scandal. I wish hospital board will hear him out. I wished so many things for him. I guess we’ll know the verdict tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will have to go home and P’Pha will be returning to the hospital to face the inquiry. We will be separated again. Despite how short the separation is, I couldn’t help but dreading it. I’ve gotten used to have him around me so much during last few days, I don’t wanna say goodbye tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. The seductive smell of scented candles creating a romantic atmosphere in the bathroom. Only thing missing is P’Pha. I wished he would come to me sooner. Because, tonight, I need him so much.

I must have dosed off.

I felt someone caressing my head. My eyes fluttered opened.

“Sleepy?” He murmured. He was in nothing but a white towel, sitting at the edge of the tub leaning down to talk to me. I shook my head. “Good.” He smiled broadly standing up. Moving his hand to the knot in the towel he lifted his eyes to throw me a playful glance. “Can I join you?” His fingers tugged at the towel, loosening it. My eyes lingered, watching his hand.


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“Yes.” I whispered. He removed the towel and tossed it aside. I watched his thigh muscles move, when he took a step closer to the tub, but avoided looking anywhere else.

Yes, it’s true, we’ve done a lot. But I’m still shy to look at him fully. He stopped in front of me, but didn’t proceed to get in.

“Will you look at me?” His voice is lower than usual. I slowly lifted my lashes from the floating rose petals on the water, trailing them up his shin and knees, up to his thighs. He had fine scattering of dark hair over his legs. I chewed on my lower lip.

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