40. Ghost from the Past

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Ghost from the Past

Ai Pha's Audi stopped in front of the stadium

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Ai Pha's Audi stopped in front of the stadium. I shouldered my sports bag and jogged around to the boot of his car. I pushed my bag inside the boot and closed it. Kit is sitting with Pha in the passenger seat. So I opened the back and got in besides Bright.

"Where's Forth?" I asked casually. I haven't seen him since that day Ming dropped us off at my house. He stayed with me for couples of hours, talking idle like old time, and left. Of course we exchanged few friendly texts, but that's it. I've been missing him, yearning for him, it's embarrassing.

"He has a project meeting. He'll meet us there with Nong Ming." Bright sat leaning back in the comfortable back seat of Pha's car.

"Thanks for doing this guys." Pha started rubbing his forehead, driving with one hand.

"Anything for you boss." I leaned forward to squeeze his shoulder.

"Yeah" Kit nodded.

The pub wasn't crowded by the time we got there. Pha wanted to celebrate today. He wasn't going to get sacked from the hospital plus they kinda found the culprit. But he was stressed because the hospital won't approve leave for him to go see Nong Yo, until the investigation is finished. The guy is going crazy by each passing day. Today we've agreed to drink with him and just hang out to cheer him up.

"Cheers to Pha!" Bright raised his glass grinning.

"Cheers!" We all achoed.

"So who managed to fool the hospital and hack into the system?" Kit asked, nursing a beer. He agreed to DD* for us, so he's taking it slow.

"Some con man named Park, dressed up as a doctor." Pha winced gulping down neat Whisky. "I thought he was the new doctor at the research centre. He spoke about my research like a real pro. He must be a professional." Pha reached for the bottle again.

"He has to be." Bright said thoughtfully. "If he can fool you with Medical gibberish like that." He belched. I saw kit winced at Bright's ill manned behavior. Our Kit is too delicate. I smiled to myself.

"He looked so familiar. My mind is going insane trying to remember from where." Pha started thumping his forehead with his fist. "Stupid brain, why can't you remember?" He muttered.

"Take it easy Pha." Kit patted his shoulder.

Pha huffed and took out his phone and started flipping through. He must be getting drunk to behave this loosely.

"Who the fuck are you?" He muttered, staring at his phone screen. I reached out to take the phone from him. It was a picture of an ordinary guy in a doctor's white coat. He maybe around our age.

"Looks like a doctor to me." I wondered chewing on my lips. Pha dropped his head on the table. It was very uncool of him to behave like this. He's totally lost his domineering aura with the spreading of the scandal.

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