9. Exception to the rule

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Exception to the rule

"So you want me to do Yo's physio?" I asked placing the beer tankard on the bar counter

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"So you want me to do Yo's physio?" I asked placing the beer tankard on the bar counter. This isn't one of our usual hangout places. The club isn't exactly upscale. It looks kinda shady. But it has a certain charm to it. Besides I'm sick of our usual pub. Same old shit, everyday.

"Yes." Pha fondled a glass of gin and tonic between his fingers. Asshole complained a lot when I mentioned this club, but gave in when I threatened about not helping him. So this is the favor he's asking for? Why would he be concerned about idol Yo so much? Does he still have feelings for Wayo? But this isn't the boy he made Kit and I follow in school. We're talking about a famous star. Besides isn't he engaged to be married soon?

"Sure? He can visit my office with a prior appointment. I won't sell him out to the press." I said and drank deeply from the tankard.

"No." He shook his head.

"No?" I stared at him.

"I will take you to Yo's Town House once a week, discreetly." He started swirling his glass on the granite bar top.

I moved forward and touched his forearm to still him.

"Pha? What's going on?" I observed him curiously.

"It's nothing Beam." He ran his fingers through his hair. "He maybe an Idol but he lives a difficult life. The press bothers him so much. So it's better if we can do this at his house." There seems to be lots of gossips circulating in the internet about him. Then a light bulb flashed in my head.

"The knight in shining armor?" I pointed my finger at him grinning. He raised one eyebrow. "It was you at the hospital basement?" I laughed in excitement. "Of course it was your Audi." I slapped my thigh and laughed harder. "Idol Yo's secret lover." I hooted with laugh. Pha slapped the back of my head.

"He came for his regular check up. The press was trying to eat him alive when he was leaving. I had to do something. Stop laughing you fool." He tried to slap my head again but I ducked in time.

"Does your orthopedic service include, sending off patients home at the basement?" I asked still chuckling. He gave me a flat look and drained his glass. "Alright, alright. I'll do it." I said sobering up a little.

"Good. I'll call." He placed the glass on the bar top and slapped a note paying for both our drinks and stood up.

"Are you ditching me?" I whined. I hate drinking alone.

"I have a surgery scheduled tomorrow early morning." He jerked his head towards the sofas. "Maybe you can join him." My head snapped to where he pointed. It was Forth. He was in his leather attire looking fearsome as ever, surrounded by a large group of people.

 He was in his leather attire looking fearsome as ever, surrounded by a large group of people

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I didn't know how this asshole found out about my stupid silly crush on the badass engineer. Pha teases me constantly about it now.

"Or, maybe not." Pha grinned watching Forth drape his each hand around a woman and a man. My eyes took in the way he pressed his face in the crook of the man's neck seductively. Pha patted my shoulder sympathetically and left.

I finished my beer and turned to face the bartender to avoid looked at Forth.

It's not the first time I've seen him do such a thing. I've been watching him for seven years now. It's true that I have been crushing on him all those years. But it's just an attraction. I like girls. He's just my one simple exception to the rule. Nothing to worry.

After two more rounds I've had enough of this club. It's far too obnoxious and rowdy. I'll catch a cab ride home and have an early night. My team has a game tomorrow evening and I'll be busy all day.

I entered the bathroom and instead of using the urinals I went into a cubicle. I hate public urinals. Too many perverts, especially in clubs. Besides I like to do my business in private without having anyone peeping at my goods.

When I was about to open the cubicle, the door to the rest room banged shut and I heard the lock click. Someone must have thought the room is empty and come in for a quickie. I panicked. I peeked out through the gap between the door and the frame. Two guys were making out.

I have two options. Interrupt them, excuse myself and leave. Sit on the toilet, cover my ears and wait it out. By this time things were accelerating at an alarming speed. The tall guy had the smaller one pressed against the tiled wall. Yep, the second option it is. Can't leave now.

I was about to move away when I caught something familiar in the big guy's toned bicep, half hidden by the rolled up arm of his black t-shirt. It's a tattoo I know very well. I've seen it enough time to remember it.

It's Forth. About to get it on with another guy. How complicated my life could get? He's lost his leather jacket. That's why I couldn't recognize him in the first place.

I shouldn't watch. I really shouldn't. But my legs refused to move. My eyes refused to look away. I was under a spell. I stayed glued to the line of vision between the cubicle door and the door frame like a voyeur.

Forth held the small guy's hands high above the wall in one hand and his face is between the guy's shoulder and neck. I stared at his back muscles ripple under thin black material.

Forth straightened up and looked down at the guy for a few seconds. The guy tilted his head up but Forth shook his head. He quickly flipped the guy around and pressed him face first to the bathroom wall hard. If the guy hadn't turned his head aside, his face would have smashed into the wall.

"I don't kiss. I only fuck." He growled.

I shivered at his tone. Fuck! Forth is too hot for my own sanity. I felt myself getting hard. I squeezed my eyes shut. How did I get involved in this? I wasn't supposed to see this. I was fine before seeing him like this. Now I won't be able to get him out of my mind ever. Shit, shit, shit.

I could hear the clinking of belts. They must be moving to the next stage. No sooner soft grunts started emitting from outside the cubicle. I covered my ears and moved back to sit on the toilet. But no matter how hard I pressed my palms to my ears, the sounds did not stop.

Finally, after a eon I loosened my hands and cracked open my eyes. The rest room is silent. I peeked out. It's empty. I cracked opened the door and looked left and right. Yep, empty.

I slipped out of the cubicle and ran for the door. I really gotta get out of here.

Before I could reach the door knob, it crashed open. A guy bumped on to me hard and I stumbled. I looked up in horror.

"Sorry I just forgot my...." He trailed off looking down at me in surprise. "Beam?" I tried to get to the door but he was holding onto my forearm tighly. "Beam, wait!" I tugged my hand free and ran through the dark corridor.

"Beam!" I heard Forth calling me again.

I ran to the dance floor and mingled into the crowd. I just can't face him. He caught me peeping on him. I wish I could die.

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