34. Hike

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I entered the room cautiously

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I entered the room cautiously. Mingkawn insisted that I should stay in Beam’s room and reconcile with him. But I wasn’t sure anymore. He’s extra prickly with me today. I'm scared to approach him in case things got out of hands again. Every time we talked, we ended up having sex. But last time I went too far. I can’t believe I did him dry that day. I didn’t know how we got here. But I want to make it up to him. I’m going to make an effort this time.

I was about to knock on the half open door, when his voice came from the bathroom.

“I forgot my bag of toiletries.” I closed the door behind me and approached the bathroom door, which was cracked open. “Get it for me, please?” His voice is muffled by the running water. I looked at his bag on the bed and looked back again at the bathroom door.

The water stopped and I heard him slide off the shower curtain.

“Ai Kit?” He raised his voice impatiently. “Are you deaf?” I sighed and opened his bag looking for his toiletries. Beam is very particular about the products he used. As for me, I only brought my toothbrush and shaving kit.

I took the clear plastic pack filled with various skin and hair products and carried it to the bathroom. He’s waiting impatiently at the shower, curtain half opened. His hair plastered to his scalp and white marble skin dripping wet. I swallowed when he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Sorry, Kit is not here.” I extended the bag for him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked taking the bag from my hand. Well, that wasn’t so bad. He didn’t combust instantly, seeing me instead of Kit.

“Finish your shower and come, I’ll explain.” I averted my eyes from him and returned to the bedroom. Dropping my bag on the floor I walked to the window.

The house is at the foot of a mountain range. I wondered whether a hiking trip would be a possibility. Hiking is one of my greatest passions. Pha said that there’s a trail leading up to the mountains right from the back yard of the house.

I heard the bathroom door open behind me. I wouldn’t dare turn around and witness half naked Beam right now. So I stood facing away with my back to the hot wet mess of a man called Beam.

His subtle smell of shampoo hit me before he even approached near me.

“Why are you here Forth?” his voice came behind me I moved to face him leaning my back on the window sill.

“Mingkawn wanted to stay with Kit.” I waved my hand at the general direction of the other room. It’s not exactly a lie. I think he wanted to stay with Kit while helping me with my own situation.

“Why?” Beam combed his wet bangs back from his forehead wrinkling his forehead.

“Errr…. I think he likes Kit?” I shifted my eyes in uncertainty. Did I do anything wrong?

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