32. Settling Back

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A/n - Apologies for a late chapter. In the previous chapters, I forgot and wrote that Mew's condo is in up south. It should be up north. That's where mountains are.

Settling Back

"This is the last town before we head into the place

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"This is the last town before we head into the place.” P’Mew parked P’Pha’s car and turned back to look at us. “If you need anything, Art and I can get them for you.” He was looking at P’Pha mainly.

“Errr… nothing for me, I have everything I need in the boot. What about Yo's luggage?” His eyes wondered to my small frame, curled up next to him in the back seat.

“It’s been taken care of. I’ll go buy stuff for him. I know what he might need.” Art said opening his door. It’s true. It’s like we’re best girlfriends ever. He knows my favorite brand of moisturizer and shampoo and everything.

“What about food?” P’Pha asked when P’Mew opened his door. Art is already skipping away to the front entrance of the mall. It wasn’t anything big like malls in Bangkok, but It'd be sufficient I think.

“Don’t worry, I asked the caretaker to stock the kitchen.” P’Mew smiled but P’Pha is shifting on his side and reaching for his wallet. “It's fine, no worries. I’ve got you.” And P’Mew dissapeared.

P’Pha turned to face me with a serene look.

“Are you alright?” He asked pushing my bangs away from my eyes. I nodded.

“I am, as long as you’re here with me

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“I am, as long as you’re here with me.” I gazed into his eyes. He kissed my forehead.

“I just found you.” He whispered. “I’d fight any demon to be with you.” He lowered my head to his chest. I sighed in to his broad expense of torso and wrapped my arms around him. I felt P’Pha’s hands rubbing soothing circles over my back.

I must have fallen asleep.

“Yo,” Someone is whispering to my ear. My eyes snapped open. “We’re here.” P’Pha untangled himself from my limbs and straightened up. “Shall we go inside?” I nodded. Looks like P’Mew and Art are already inside.

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