19. Just this time

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A/n - First smut chapter for this book. 😱😱😱😱 I'm so bad. 😂😂😂😂😂

Just this time

I kissed him roughly, crushing his lips, not caring whether I hurt him or not

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I kissed him roughly, crushing his lips, not caring whether I hurt him or not. Because I was angry, frustrated and turned on by his behavior. I was angry that he was riling me up. And frustrated because I can’t refuse him right now. Turned on, because he was looking so appealing and seductive tonight.

I released his lips but still held on to his hair. He laughed through red bruised lips.  I leaned down to take his lips again but he pressed his palms to my chest stopping me. I looked into his eyes.

“I thought you don’t kiss and you only fuck.” He laughed at me mocking my own words.

“Beam.” I held the back of his neck, firmly.

“Yes Forth?” He grinned.

“Shut up.” And I was devouring his mouth.

It’s true I don’t like to kiss. I think kissing is something intimate. It’s something you shouldn’t do with a person you just met. It’s personal. But it’s different with Beam. Kissing him turned me on. He had this incredibly addictive taste and I’m hooked.

“Mmmmm…” He sighed moving closer and wrapping his arms around my waist

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“Mmmmm…” He sighed moving closer and wrapping his arms around my waist. He’s still kneeling between my legs.

I released his head and held onto his shoulders, pushing him on his back over his plush rug. I climbed over him and laid between his parted thighs. He arched his body wantonly and pulled my face to him. I avoided his lips and burryed my face in his neck. His scent is intoxicating. I tugged his shirt collar aside to get more skin contact.

I felt Beam’s hands crawl under my t-shirt. His hands ran over my back muscles over and over.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to touch you like that.” He crooned. My stomach muscles tightened at the sexual invitation in his words. “I’ve watched you discreetly in the gym. No one knows, maybe except for that asshole Pha.” He ran his fingers along my abs slowly, lingeringly.

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