29. Déjà vu? Not Exactly.

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A/n - Warning for mature content and colorful language. 😂😂😂

Déjà vu? Not Exactly.

I pushed opened the cubicle door, walked to the sink and started washing my hands

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I pushed opened the cubicle door, walked to the sink and started washing my hands. I watched water rivulet down the basin and sink into the drain.

“You really are a good actor.” I jumped when someone drawled in my ear. There are too many weirdos in public washrooms. But nothing to worry it’s just asshole Forth. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to leave. He quickly wrapped his fingers around my upper arm.

“What?” I dropped my gaze to his hand in my arm and back up to his face. His handsome face is darkened with some unknown emotions.

“Why do you act like this?” He sighed and let go of my arm.

“Act?” I raised one eyebrow.

“Like you’ve forgotten everything.” Folding his arms over his chest, he leaned against the wash basin. I watched his biceps bulge under black Henley, he was wearing.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Why does he want to remind me of that night? I kept my promise, didn’t I? He was afraid of loosing our friendship once we had sex. But now after I’ve taken great measures to push my feelings under, why is he stirring trouble?

“Ai’Forth, tell me what do you want? I thought you wanted me to forget everything and be same old Beam, but now you want to talk about it. So which is it?” I narrowed my eyes at his expression.

“I don’t know.” He said roughly. “I don’t know what I want anymore. You confuse me. This is why I didn’t want to do that. It complicates friendship, it ruins everything.” He was shaking his head, eyes glued to the white tiled bathroom floor. I felt my anger rising.

“So it’s my fault then.” I coughed. “You didn’t let it be. You hunt me down because you wanted to know the fucking truth that day. If you had forgotten everything and let it be, then none of this would have happened.” I felt my eyes stinging from anger. “I’m leaving.” I can’t let him see my tears, I need to go, right now.
“Beam!” but the idiot had to snag my sleeve and pull me hard. He really underestimates his strength. I stumbled against the cold bathroom wall and my head banged painfully against it.

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