21. How did we get here?

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A/n - Hello beautiful people! A loooong chapter. I thought of breaking this into two parts. But since you guys are being so amazing, I posted it whole. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. 😍😍😍😍😍

How did we get here?

I stopped the car in front of Yo's Town House

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I stopped the car in front of Yo's Town House. P'Tong is on duty today.

“Good Evening Khun!” He greeted, opening the gate for me. I know most of Yo's security personals now.

“Hello, P’Tong. Nong Yo is in?” I asked as customary. Of course I know he’s in. We talked over the phone for so long this morning. We both have been waiting for today, eagerly. But we have to be pretend as doctor and patient. P’Tong is nice, but we can’t take any risks.

“Yes, Khun is waiting for you.” He bowed respectfully.

I drove the car through the driveway and stopped under there porch. I saw him through the half opened front door, waiting for me. I smiled walking to the door, carrying my bag with medical supplies.

“Hi!” He opened the door wider and smiled up at me

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“Hi!” He opened the door wider and smiled up at me.

“Hey!” I pinched his cheek. Then he frowned down at the bag in my hand.

“Why did you bring that?” He wrinkled his nose.

“Well that’s what I’m here for, right? For your medical checkup?” I teased him.

“Is that all?” He pouted and started walking towards his gym room. I walked faster and dipped down to his level.

“I can check other things too.” I breathed on to his ear. He rubbed his ear in his shoulder. I laughed.

“P’Pha you’re so bad.” He went and slumped down on an exercise bench. He has a fully equipped gym but I don’t think that he ever used it.

“First thing's first.” I pushed him on the bench to lie flat on his back and sat next to him. Then I lifted his bad knee up to examine. It’s true, I haven’t checked on his knee for several weeks now. “Bend it up.” He followed my every instruction to the ninth. “It looks alright.” I smiled down at him.

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