33. Kit the Top Investigator

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Kit the Top Investigator

Ming - P'Kit, I'm driving up North with P'Forth to support P'Pha and Yo, this weekend

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Ming - P'Kit, I'm driving up North with P'Forth to support P'Pha and Yo, this weekend. Can you get Saturday off from the clinic to join us? You're welcome to invite P'Beam too.

It's been several days since the scandal and they still couldn't capture the culprit who hacked on to Pha's phone and Yo's hospital records. Pa told us that Yo's dad is investigating and soon that person will be captured.

Pha wanted us to accompany him and Yo at a Condo they had been staying past few days and I said I'd drive in with Beam. Nong Ming's text surprised me though. Then I remembered that he's Yo's best friend. It'll be fun to drive with four people instead of two so I texted in my okay without consulting Beam. I didn't think it would be a problem. Big mistake.

Now we're waiting for them to pick us up on Saturday morning with an unusually grumpy Beam. He is a cheerful guy. Being grumpy is my job. I don't know what happened but I get the feeling that it has something to do with Forth. Because he almost bit my head off when I mentioned that we're driving with Forth and Ming.

When the white SUV honked twice I shouldered my back pack and stepped down the front steps, followed by Beam.

"So fucking early." Beam muttered. I ignored him and opened the back seat since front is occupied by Ming and Forth. Ming eyed me through the rare view mirror and smiled.

"Good morning, P'Kit, P'Beam." I smiled back at him and quickly lowered my eyes. The guy can unsettle me with one simple look. Sometimes I regret letting him be my friend. Then again he had been a great friend, no funny businesses at all, which is so unusual for him.

"Have you two eaten?" Forth asked twisting back to look at us. I shook my head. "Alright, we'll stop for some take away before entering the freeway." His eyes shifted frequently to Beam but Beam ignored him completely. My curiosity piqued. I need to find out what's happening, because both of them are acting strange. Looks like s job for Kit the top investigator.

We stopped by a diner and bought some sandwiches and soda.

"We'll be there by lunch time." Ming said generally. "Yo said he would cook." Ming grinned.

"Nong Yo can cook?" Forth asked in surprise.

"Huh, he's a natural. If he didn't become an Idol he would have become a great chef." Ming grinned at Forth.

"I didn't know he was so talented. For such a little guy he sure can win lot of hearts both through music and food." Forth laughed.

I felt Beam tense besides him. I nudged him with my elbow and raised one eyebrow. He just shrugged without uttering a single word. He'd been silent through the whole trip.

It was late afternoon when we reached the condo hidden in trees by the foot of a beautiful mountain range. Pha was waiting by the door with the phone in his ear. He looked stressed. Whatever happened, we both swore to be by his side, always. We've been friends since kindergarten and been through lot since then. Beam and I will always be at our boss' service.

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