37. Vegan Weekend

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A/n - Hi guys, I'm back!
First of all congratulations to our Indian friends for their huge victory. If you don't know what I mean, India has decriminalized homosexuality, few  days ago. Hats off to you India. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 I'm from your neighboring country but we still have a long way to go get there.
Here's another chapter on MingKit. After that I'm going back to PhaYo.
Thank you so much. 😍😍😍😍 Love you all lot 😘😘😘

Vegan Weekend

“Apparently, they have found some suspicious footage on surveillance cams

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“Apparently, they have found some suspicious footage on surveillance cams.” Pha said leaning forward to take a piece of cake from the plate.

“Will you be in lot of trouble P’Pha?” I watched Yo curl up against Pha’s side when he sat back on the sofa again.

The two looked so perfect together. When I found out who the real Idol Yo is, I took my chances in setting those two together. Even though Pha was engaged to Pring, I knew he still had feelings for Wayo. But I wasn’t sure about Yo then. Now looking at them so happy together even amidst such chaos, I couldn’t help but feel contented.

“…… I’ll be answering questions in front of the hospital board. I might have to take extended leave until the problem is solved. The reputation of the hospital is everything to them. They won’t jeopardize it even for their best surgeon.” Pha said bitterly.

“How did they get to your phone? Did you leave it behind somewhere?” Forth rubbed his thumb over his stubbly chin.

“I’m not really sure.” Pha wrinkled his brow.

“It has to be someone from the hospital Pha. Think carefully about anyone suspicious, any unusual incidents.” Beam wiped his hands on a tissue.

We’re having a late morning brunch before heading back. Five of us are talking but Ming is nowhere to be seen.

Forth and Beam looked almost normal. They must have reconciled last night. I wondered whether they really did have sex last night as Nong Ming was assuming. I felt ashamed of thinking such perverted things. Yet when you tend to spend time with a guy like Ming you get used to it.

Speaking of Ming, he had been so attentive to me since yesterday. He made me feel comfortable and he took care of me. Sometimes I feel shy that he does those things for me. Then again I don’t mind it. He’s so comfortable to be around. And it’s so nice to be taken care of. I was the baby of the family and I always got pampered by them. Since I’m living alone now, I don’t get anyone's attention much, and I kinda miss it. Nong Ming makes me feel so good.

Sometimes I feel that it’s not right to get attached to him like that. The guy says that he has a thing for me. Right thing is to stay away from him. But it’s not easy to stay away from him. Some invisible force seemed to pull us together. I just can’t stay away from him.

“I think we should get moving now, if we aught to get to Bangkok before night fall.” Forth stood up and others followed. I looked around for Ming.

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