26. Bad Break Up

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Bad Break Up

Afternoon is fading away and the heat from the glaring sun is rapidly going down

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Afternoon is fading away and the heat from the glaring sun is rapidly going down. I shifted in the white wrought iron chair placed in Pring’s patio, uncomfortably. She stirred the china tea cup thoughtfully.

“Anything wrong?” She eyed me, holding the cup daintily in her fingers and moving it to her lips. I haven’t even touched my own cup, cooling in the tiny round table.

“I need to talk to you.” How many times did I repeat those words to her? But I was still gathering courage to tell her that I want to break off the engagement. No matter how many hours I pondered on the words I was supposed to tell her, it’s becoming harder than I thought.

If it’s just a matter of Pring and I then I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute. But with the honor of two families at stake, the task is becoming harder than I initially imagined. Once I uttered the words, the shit will hit the fan.

“You said that already.” She muttered irritably. “Pha, what’s wrong with you?” she leaned forward to wrap her fingers around my wrist. I stared at our hands for a second and looked back up at her face. It’s now or never.

“Pring, I need to break off the engagement.” I said firmly, holding her gaze. She stared for a few seconds, not comprehending my words.


“I can’t go through with this marriage.” I stated simply. “I’m sorry, Pring.” She ripped her hand off of my wrist and stood up.

“Are you freaking mad or are you joking?” She folded her hands over her chest, her jaw working furiously.

“I'm dead serious. Do you think I’m a kind of guy who would joke about something like this?” I asked not wavering from my stance. I’m ready for her anger, she deserves to get mad at me.

“Why? You were fine few days ago. What happened?” He started walking up and down her small patio in frustration. “I need to know the truth. I have the right to know what happened.” She balled her hands to fists. I don’t think I can get away with lying to her.

“I was in love when I was in high school. But I lost contact with that person then.” I rubbed my fingers over my forehead. How am I going to explain this to her? “I met that person again recently. I didn’t mean to do this to you, but we couldn’t hold back since we both love each other so much.” Pring is gawking at me.

“Are you telling me that you cheated on me?” She finally awakened her voice. I didn’t need to spill that out. She could tell from my expression all she needs to know.

“I’m sorry Pring. I didn’t mean to. It just happened.” I exhaled long and deep. “And it’s not right for you to go through with this marriage anymore.” She coughed maliciously.

“Yeah that’s exactly why you want to break off the engagement.” She laughed derisively. “Oh Please Pha, save those bullshit for someone else.” She sat next to me angrily.

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