43. Confrontation

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I gazed up at the neon sign board of Pring’s skincare clinic

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I gazed up at the neon sign board of Pring’s skincare clinic. Her smiling face frozen in a snapshot caught my eye. I don’t know what to believe anymore. But I simply can’t deny her involvement in this matter. But I need to hear it from her. I want her to look me in the eye and tell me that she schemed together with that psycho to plan my downfall.

The receptionist looked up when I stepped inside. Her smiled faltered when she saw me.

“Dr. Phana…” She scrambled to her feet.

“Is she in?” I asked cutting her off.

“She is.” The girl shot a fearful look at the door of Pring's examination room. “But she instructed me to not to let you in, if ever show up.” She mumbled looking down at her feet. I clicked my tongue impatiently and took two strides towards the door, ignoring her protests.

“Dr. Phana, please?” the girl pleaded running after me. I stopped my stride and turned. She’s wringing her hands in frustration. “If I fail to prevent you from going through that door, she’d definitely fire me.” She said in a small voice. I sucked in my bottom lip and trapped it between my teeth.

I know she wasn’t bluffing. Pring is ruthless when it comes to her employees. After all it wasn’t this girl's fault. I shouldn’t put her job in line for my problems.

“Very well.” I folded my hands behind my back and turned back to leave. “I’ll just go meet her at her home tonight.” I twisted my wrist to check the time. “When will she be going home?” I asked casually walking away from her.

“Usually around nine sir.” She replied with a sigh. Why should I make her job impossible for her, it’s not her fault.

I absolutely have no intention of meeting her at home. Her dad would shoot me with a gun and burry my cold stiff body in the woods.

I drove the car inside the employees' parking garage. I could see Pring’s red Mini Coup parked at the back. I sat in the dark and waited silently.

She didn’t disappoint me. Ten minutes later, I saw her walk into the garage, her high heals clicking on the concrete floor. It’s barely seven and she’s running home. She was digging in her purse looking for her car keys, she didn’t notice me coming from behind.

“Pring” my voice resonated in the dark parking garage.

“Ugh…” She swirled around gasping. “Pha?” She placed a palm over her heaving chest.

“Yes, it’s me.” I stepped closer.

“Wh…what are you doing here?” She stammered.

“I need to talk to you.” She exhaled deeply, composing a bit.

“There’s nothing left to talk about.” She said coldly and turned to leave.

“I’m afraid there is.” I called out. “I need some answers.” She turned around snorting.

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