4. Melting Ice

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Melting Ice

P’Pha’s wrote silently in his note pad

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P’Pha’s wrote silently in his note pad. I looked at Ming and he shrugged. He shouldn’t have said anything about knowing him in highschool. But the nosy bastard seldom kept his mouth to himself. We seemed to have unknowingly touched something sensitive in him.

I didn’t want to go inside that room at first. I stared at the name plate in horror when Ming pushed the wheelchair towards the room P’Kit mentioned.

Dr. Phana Kongthanin
Orthopedic Surgeon

It never occurred to me that P’Kit's doctor friend would be the very same Dr. Phana.

I wanted to turn around and go back. But asshole Ming insisted that P'Pha would never recognize me. Of course I knew he wouldn’t. He had never paid attention to me in highschool. I was an ugly duckling then. What I was afraid of is my own heart. I can’t compromise my heart at any rate. It took me very long to push him down to a rare compartment in my heart. I was afraid he would surface again and mess up my life if I see him again.

But asshole Ming is adamant. We were arguing in front of his door for so long it was way passed the appointment time.

“Look.” Ming kneeled in front of me and held the arms of the wheelchair. “He won’t recognize you. Let’s just do it, Okay?” I stopped biting my lips and contemplated. “Just be brave a little, Yo. Remember who you are. You the idol Yo. Don’t let him control you. He’s nothing to you now.” I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. “That’s the Yo I know and love.” Ming grinned and stood up. He started pushing the chair.

When we were right in front of the door he bent and whispered in my ear.

“It’s been many years now. I’m sure P’Pha looks like an uncle now, with a pot belly and beard.” I smiled and slapped his hand.

“How can he be that old? He’s only one year older than us.”

“Huh, you never know with doctors. They put so much effort into becoming doctors, they don’t have time for care for the looks.” Ming said placing his hand on the door knob.

How wrong could Ming get?

How wrong could Ming get?

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