24. At your service

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A/n - A bit short chapter. Hoping to update a longer one tomorrow. I really enjoyed all your responses to my previous chapters. Love you all for everything. 😘😘😘

At your service

I tugged the back door of the clinic shut in annoyance

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I tugged the back door of the clinic shut in annoyance. I need to replace the damn lock soon, it keeps getting stuck everytime. It’s passed eleven in the evening and I’m so tired after long hours of work. Mom worries a lot that I work hard. You will get sick. You don’t take care of yourself well. She complains everytime I called. But the clinic is my baby. No matter how rich my family, this is mine. I built it up alone.  It’s my pride.

But it’s not easy running a business alone. I tugged the door again but the damn piece of shit refused to cooperate.

“Fucking shit….” I kicked at the door in frustration. Angry tears spilled from my eyes. How am I supposed to find a handyman at this time of the night? Maybe I’d have to stay up and guard the clinic whole night.

I looked up in fear when a shadow moved in the side. It’s Ming. I stared at him in surprise. After missing for over couple of weeks, here he is, showing up like a ghost.

“What do you want?” My question came harder than I intended. But he didn’t deter from his stance. He observed the door carefully ignoring my death glares.

I didn’t know why I’m angry. I should have been happy that he’s keeping his distance. But since that night he kissed me I was questioning my whole existence. I didn’t know what to think about anything. It wouldn’t be this complicated if I could have been able to push him away and slap his cheek. But I let him devour me like some virgin princess in a fairytale.

I was so confused. I wanted him to apologize, explain why he did that. Instead, he totally dissapeared from the face of the Earth. And I was stuck with a dilemma. I couldn’t get the feel of his lips out of my mouth. Because I’ve never been kissed like that, ever. Worse part is that I kissed him back. Have I lost my mind totally?

I was distracted, even Pin noticed that I’m not my usual person. Which isn’t a small feat since she normally has her head in the cloud. Now, after putting me through this for two weeks he had the audacity to waltz in like nothing happened.

“What seemed to be the problem?” He held the door and tried to close it, jerking firmly, totally ignoring my rude greeting. I folded my hands over my chest and scowled. He smiled brightly at my angry posture but turned to the stubborn fucked up door.

“Ai'Ming, what are you doing here?” I asked sighing. No matter how annoying I felt, I’m kinda glad that he is here with me. He looked capable and I have this strange feeling that he would somehow fix my problem.

“The lock has jammed P.” He tugged at the door knob. “Do you have any tools at home?” He asked looking up and giving me a small smile. I let my hands slumped to my sides and walked to my apartment. I remember there was a tool box given to me by my big brother at the opening of the clinic. I haven’t even touched it yet. Tools and I, we don’t blend.

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