58. Epilogue (MingKit)

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One year later.....

“P’Kit?” Ming called

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“P’Kit?” Ming called. The front door was unlocked. There wasn’t any sign of Kit. Ming pushed the door opened and closed it behind him. Hadn’t he told P’Kit to never leave the doors open. Ming thought.

My P is too adorable. I can’t risk him getting kidnapped. Ming went inside calling Kit’s name again.

The bedroom door was open too. P’Kit never leaves his bedroom door open while dressing. He thought frowning. He’s still very shy. It’s been one year since they had started dating but Ming still haven’t seen him fully naked, to his dismay. But he gave P’Kit his word. So wait he will.

He slowly opened the bedroom door. It was empty. The bed was made. Where the hell is he? He peaked at the cracked opened bathroom door. The light in the bathroom is on. Why would he keep the bathroom door open if he is inside?

“P’Kit?” He tapped on the door. “Are you in there?” He called.

“Yeah Ming.” P’Kit’s voice came muffled through the open crack of the door. “I’m in here.” Ming sighed in relief.

“So I’ll just wait outside.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, because imagining P’Kit naked in the bathroom is giving him a weird feeling in his belly. “We still have time before the opening ceremony.” He said through the open crack.

“Err.. Ming?” When he was about to turn away P’Kit called.

“Yeah?” He wished his voice didn’t sound huskier.

“Will you come inside for a minute?” Kit’s faint voice came through the door. Ming almost swallowed his tongue and stumbled on the spot.

“What?” His voice sounded two octaves higher than normal. “I mean, okay.” He said coming into his senses quickly.

He slowly pushed the door open to reveal Kit in a pink bathrobe. His hair is damp from the shower. The bathroom is filled with the warm lavender scented mist, it was almost surreal.

He licked his lips staring at the figure standing nervously in the middle of the bathroom.

Kit blushed rapidly under the tall man’s intense stare. He tried to compose a sentence. It had been hard for him to take this step, to initiate the next level of this relationship. He is afraid, there’s no doubt. But he owe it to Ming, and to himself as well. So he spoke, trying to overcome the shyness.

“It’s been one year since we started dating.” Kit said looking at him. Ming’s lips curved into a soft smile. There’s no doubt I love him so much. Kit thought.

“Time flies.” Ming ducked his head smiling widely. He leaned back on the wash basin, staring at Kit’s bathrobe clad body. Color pink goes well with Kit's complexion. “I still remember chasing after you, just like yesterday.” He chuckled. Kit scratched his neck, smiling down at the floor. “So are we celebrating tonight? What about Yo’s opening ceremony?” Ming asked straightening up.

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