5. Chocolate Wafer

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Chocolate Wafer

"Oi Mingkawn, you coming?" P'Forth's head peeked over the cubicle partition

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"Oi Mingkawn, you coming?" P'Forth's head peeked over the cubicle partition. I was supposed to go pubbing with him today.

"I'll meet you at the car park P. I'm just closing off things." He nodded and his head dissapeared.

I opened the top drawer to dump my stationeries in and something caught my eye before closing it. I placed my finger tips over the red box of KitKat and smiled. I didn't know why I bought it. I have given up eating them long time ago.

When I was in high school I had a great craving for KitKat. I ate them whenever I can. I started liking them when I started getting interested in P'Kit. It wasn't anything serious though.

When Yo secretly followed P'Pha, I was always with him. And P'Kit and P'Beam never left P'Pha's side. I started noticing P'Kit because he was adorable. He was short and rather chubby like a cute rabbit. He had deep dimples and when he was grumpy he looked like an angry kitten. So my eyes followed him. I started calling him KitKat in my mind.

I didn't think it was anything serious until I couldn't stop eating chocolate wafers. I ate them whenever I thought about him. Which is often. So I broke up with Muwan. My then girlfriend. I was fond of her and I've been dating her for about a year. But I thought it wasn't fair for her when I started developing feelings for KitKat. If KitKat hadn't been my senior, if he didn't graduate from highschool and went away, I would have asked him out. But when he left, it all started to fade away. And my craving for KitKat gradually diminished.

I picked up the chocolate wafers box and pushed it inside my bag. Giving a final look around, I left my cubicle to meet P'Forth.

Few of P'Forth's office friends accompanied us to the Friday night evening drinking session. It wasn't even six in the evening but we are getting drunker rapidly.

From time to time my mind flew back to P'Kit. It's such a coincident that P'Forth's friends are my seniors in highschool. I was so shocked when I learned who the P'Forth's doctor friend was. He looked lot thinner and good looking now. His lovely dimples still appeared when he smiled. And the best part is I managed to get his number.

I was waiting for him to call me about Yo's appointment eagerly, because I wanted to hear his voice again. But he only just messaged the venue and time for the appointment. So I could only reply him with a thank you, without sounding like a creep.

That's when I bought the box of KitKat. I still haven't eaten any but I can feel the craving coming back.

The night is warm and comfortable. It was nice to lay back and enjoy for a change. Work had been hectic lately. P'Forth stood up from the bar stool, digging into his pockets.

"I'm stepping out for a smoke, you coming?" he asked me. Even though I'm a non-smoker, I followed him.

"How's Nong Yo's knee?" he asked releasing smoke up into the air. I leaned back on the cement wall painted with graffiti.

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