55. Special Chapter for MingKit

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Special chapter for MingKit

“It was great seeing Forth and Beam together like that, wasn’t it?” P’Kit smiled happily looking at me

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“It was great seeing Forth and Beam together like that, wasn’t it?” P’Kit smiled happily looking at me.

We are coming back from helping P’Forth move his stuff from his place to P’Beam’s house. I stopped the car in front of P’Kit's apartment and turned to him, looking at him. When is it going to happen for us P’Kit? I wanted to ask. It’s been several weeks since that memorable camping trip but I’m still waiting for P’Kit to give me the okay. I wanted to ask so badly whether he talked to P’Pin and settled things with her. But he’s being absolutely silent about the matter so far.

I wanted to eat my own words. I wish I hadn’t promised to wait, because waiting is like torture. Now that I have tasted him, felt him and seen what he looks like in throes of passion, it drives me insane to be close to him. To have him this close and not touch him is like a physical pain.

Even when I killed the engine he didn’t attempt to get out of the car. I stared at his face in  the darkness lighted only by the street lamps. He hesitated nervously before sounding his voice.

“Do you maybe want to come inside and have a cup of tea?” his voice trembled

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“Do you maybe want to come inside and have a cup of tea?” his voice trembled. I haven’t been inside his house lately. Party because P’Kit doesn’t invite me inside anymore. I’m always cautious to drop him off at the door after our dinner outs or shopping escapades, partly because I’m afraid I would attack him if I find him alone inside his cozy home.

Right now when he’s voluntarily inviting me into his home like this, I absolutely have no strength to refuse him. So I slowly nodded.

I followed P’Kit to his apartment with a nervous tick in my chest.

“Sit.” He commanded and went to the kitchen. Making tea is the only culinary expertise of P’Kit. I sprawled on the sofa, picking up a magazine from the coffee table. It was some medical journal but I turned pages nervously not really seeing what’s on it.

“Here.” He handed me a mug of tea, sitting down besides me instead of in front of me.

“Thanks.” I silently sipped on it. I watched P’Kit’s hands holding his cup shaking slightly. I wonder what’s on his mind? Is he nervous to have me in his house? Then why did he invite me in? Thousand questions ran up and down in my mind.

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