Disney Princess

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A/N: Twenty-one pilots Trench album is out and I'm flipping out. Hercules and John.

Hercules P.O.V

I sat in my studio sowing a dress for my little princess. I mean they weren't a Disney one but they were to me. You may be asking who is your Disney princess? My Disney Princess is John. Speaking of which I heard them knock on my door. I stood up and went to get it. 

"Yes, dear?" I asked looking at John.

"I'm bored!" They whined. I smiled and picked them up and brought them into my studio. 

"Ooh." John cooed looking around my studio. They jumped out my arms and looked at the dress I was making. 

"What's this?" They said looking and pointing at it. 

"A dress for someone," I said getting back to work. "Give me attention!" They whined and hugging me from behind.

"I'm busy dear," I said continuing the dress for John. If John had to be any Disney Princess they'd definitely be Rapunzel because their hair is always tangled and believe me it's long too. 

"Please." They begged. "I'm almost done," I said focusing. "Fine, I'll jump out the window maybe I'll be noticed when I'm dead." They said. 

I stood up and grabbed John and sat them on the couch in my office. "No," I said sternly. They pouted and whined. I rolled my eyes. 

"Why are you so moody and clingy today?" I asked. "Because I miss you." They said making grabby hands towards me. 

"Can you at least wait until I'm done?" I asked. "I cannot." They said. I sighed in defeat and held John. 

"Can I brush your hair?" I asked randomly. "Be my guest." They said getting up to grab their brush. They came back, handed it to me and sat between my legs. I took their hair tie out of their hair and watched their brown curls fall out everywhere. John's hair was down their back. Jesus Christ, how do you tame this? I took their hair in my hand and brushed it. John hugged my leg, while I continued brushing their hair.

After I was done brushing it I braided it and put flowers in it as well. John had fallen asleep so I lied them on the couch and continued the dress for them. I was done I just had to add the ruffles or whatever. I finished that and waited for John to wake up. This was going to be so adorable. 

John had woken up after two hours. In those two hours, I just cleaned up my mess.

"Your up." I chirped happily. I heard a muffled mhm as they rubbed their eyes. "I have a surprise for you," I said taking their hands. Their green eyes lite up as I said the word "surprise." 

"What is it?!" They screeched. "Close your eyes," I said taking the dress off the mannequin. They closed their eyes. "Now open them," I said holding the dress out. They opened their eyes and gasped.

"For me?!" They screeched. I nodded and smiled at them. They took the dress and went to put it on. I sat and waited for them. They came back and jumped on me. "Thank you!" They screeched. 

"You look adorable, my Disney Princess." I cooed.

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