This can't be happening

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A/N: Nightlara here you go, friend! (Italics are flashbacks) sorry if it's trash


John's P.O.V

My arms tied behind my back, practically sitting naked. My binder torn in places showing off my breasts, my freckled thighs cut up, a dried bloody nose and a black eye. Barely any light in the room. My sobs and wails couldn't be heard, well because my mouth had tape over it. 

Being used as a sex slave wasn't what I thought I'd be doing with my life. 

It seems like I was a free person just the other day ago- but my freedom ended pretty damn soon.


I had just walked out of the school building. An all girl's Catholic school, I had no choice, I was forced to go to the all-girls school. Anyways. I walked out with my friend Peggy, we hugged goodbye and went our separate ways. I was always afraid of walking home alone because the school days we're over around 5:00 p.m. Meaning it'd be dark as hell. Pitch black. 

Now, my house was fairly far from the school. Sometimes I'd catch a bus or uber home. This time I decided- no had to walk because I didn't have any money. So that's what I did I walked. And as I'm walking I go past our local liquor store, the store that has all the thugs and gangsters. I speed walk past that place and made no eye contact with anyone. 

Once I pass the liquor store I sigh in relief only to let out a blood-curdling scream. Wanna know why?

Because I'm being kidnapped. 

I quicked and screamed as my mother told me too in these situations, to no avail. Next thing you know I end up here.

I've been missing for a month now. And I'm starting to lose hope, no one is going to find me, no one cares if I die-


I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the basement door open. I shook in fear as tears clouded my view. I heard their heavy careless footsteps. They flicked on the light and stepped forward to me. They both kneeled down beside me and I caught a good glimpse of their faces. 

The taller one had chocolate brown skin, poofy hair, a beard, chocolate eyes, plump lips and he was just lovely looking and the other man had Spanish looking skin, silky long black hair, violet-blue ocean eyes, a goatee, and he looked handsome as well. These were the men who kidnapped me? 

This has to be a lie.

Ocean eyes took the tape off of my mouth gently and we stared at each other, I eventually looked down face flushed. I looked over to the poofy-haired guy and saw he was untying my hands. And they both cleaned me, putting me in a big t-shirt and covering my black eye with my hair.

The big one picked me up bridal style and I held onto him as the other walked close behind us, he looked sad, he probably notices I was staring at him because he smiled sadly at me. Once were out the sun immediately smacks me in the face. It's been so long. Then it hit me, they were giving me back to my parents. Police and firemen, my own parents. Next thing you know I'm in my father's arms and the two men are being handcuffed. 

I couldn't let them take them away! 

I squirmed out of my father's arms ignoring his pleads for me to come back. I ran up to the two and hugged them not wanting to let them go. "Ma'am you can't be with Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Hamilton, go back to your father." An officer said. 

"N-no, please! I love them! Please don't take them away from me." I begged.

"Are you fucking insane Jacqueline?! You were missing for a whole month and you telling me you want to stay with these disgusting men, who raped and kidnapped you?!" My father yelled I nodded. 

"I'm not insane. You are!"

"Don't blame this all on them- you'd done it to me before...remember second grade after school..." 

Great now my father was in handcuffs.

I kissed Mr. Jefferson first, then Mr. Hamilton. "I'll wait for you both, I promise." They smiled sadly and kissed my cheeks being directed towards a police car. I stood and watched not happy about any of this.

When the police cars were out of sight I broke down into sobs.

-(4 years later)-

John was finally out of high school and heading to college. And they sure kept their promise about waiting. They waited for the two kidnappers they've fallen for. John had no clue when they were getting, no clue of their age nor first names. All John knew is that they loved them both. 

John sighed to themselves and jammed the key into the keyhole, walking into their new dorm. Looking up from the ground John sees two familiar faces.

Without hesitation, John runs into their arms. Smiling from ear to ear. "Jefferson, Hamilton!" John squealed happily.

"You don't have to address us by our last names Jacqueline, It's Thomas and Alexander," Thomas told me.

"Oh, well can you address me as John?" They both nodded. Alexander picked me up planting a sweet kiss to my lips.

"I missed you Jackie." he cooed.

"I missed you both, and...I love you guys."


And they lived happily ever after, married. Two kids and another on the way.

The end. 

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