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John Laurens has been chubby, since birth and still is. He wasn't overweight or fat just bluntly chubby for some reason, no one can explain.  He was round and plump, some would even call him 'thick' and it made John feel shameful about his body. All of his family was the 'normal' size and they each had the 'perfect' body. John could never understand why he got the short end of the stick.

He tried everything to make his chubby ness go away, but it wouldn't go. It stayed there, taunting him day and night. 

One night- may I mention a night that John Henry Laurens will never forget.

It was a peaceful Sunday night. All was going well for John until his mother called him down for dinner, after brushing his monstrosity he calls hair, he happily skipped downstairs. He sat down at the dinner table placing his napkin down in his lap waiting for dinner. 

Everything was fine until John's chair broke. His father and siblings erupted in laughter. John stared down embarrassed tears springing to his eyes. "Get, up Piggy!" His brother James teased. 

"Papa, said boys aren't allowed to cry, Johnathan." Henry his other brother said. John got up and ran upstairs, tears flowing down his cheeks. "John! Sweetheart!" His mother called, but John was already upstairs and didn't want to be bothered. He slammed his door shut and crawled on his bed cautiously afraid he'd break that as well. 

John knew he himself didn't break the chair he knew they gave him the wobbly almost broken chair. He knows because he used that chair once to try to hang himself, he obviously failed. But that made him feel fatter because they gave him that chair. He sobbed into his pillow clutching to it for dear life. 

That's when one of his best friends called, the one he had a crush on since they met. Marquis De Lafayette, or Laffy, Taffy, Laf, or just Lafayette for short. 

"Bonjour!" Laf screeched into the phone. "Hey, Taffy," John mumbled trying to contain his broken sobs and sniffles. "So, what's up?" Laf asked.

"Oh, nothing. Why'd you call?" 

"I dunno, I was bored and Herc and Alex won't even give me the keys so I can go buy ice cream!" Laf whined John giggled silently. "Oh! Also, do you wanna come over for a sleepover?" Lafayette asked. 

John rubbed his tired eyes and yawned. "Sure, what time does it start?" 

"In another hour," Laf responded, John, heard yelling on the other line. "Is everything okay?" John asked.

"Yes, just sitting on Alex so he can give me the fucking keys!!!" John laughed. 

"I'll call you when I get there," John said sniffling and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Okay! Au Revoir!" Laf said and hung up. 

John grew more anxious and wiped the leftover tears on his cheeks. He stood up and walked over to his dresser, picking out long sleeve clothing so no one would see his hideous body. He put it into his bag and began heading downstairs. His family was still downstairs eating.

"Daddy, look Jackie is running away," Mary said. 

"Sweetheart, are you coming to eat?" His mother asked softly. John ignored his family and walked out the door. 

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