Snow Day

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! My gift to you all is some 7k leerens smut. Bloop female John Enjoy!

Jasmine's P.O.V

"Shut it off, baby!" I groan out in annoyance, my husband's phone ringing in our quiet bedroom. He grumbles beside me, eyes still shut as he tries to cling to his sleep. His hand feeling blindly for his ringing phone on the nightstand. He peers one eye open, cursing when he sees it's his work calling. His finger slides across the green option to answer the call, saying a gruff, "good morning."

"Yes, thank you. I'll see you January when school resumes. Goodbye," I heard him reply to the caller before hanging up and setting the phone back on the nightstand, rolling over and pulling the blanket back up to his chest. I rolled over, my head facing Charles as I hid under a pillow, mumbling, "What did they want?"

Charles grunted in response, too tired to form a sentence, his eyes aching to go back to sleep. He knew if he didn't answer my question, I would keep pestering him until he did, "Snow day."

"Good," I whisper back, eyes still closed as I feel sleep overtake me once again.

It's not until much later that I was waking up, pushing the pillow off of my face, hitting Charles instead. He grunts but shows no signs of waking up. I push the blanket off my body, sitting up and turning to get off the bed, not wanting to wake Charles now that he was officially on Christmas break.

I slip on my house shoes, standing and taking one last look at my husband's peaceful, sleeping body. His cute, little lips are parted as he inhales and exhales, looking so relaxed and carefree. His fading mint hair covering his eyes, looking adorable as ever. I step out of our room, quietly going to the kitchen to begin making breakfast, taking a look at the wall clock. It reads, 10:57 a.m. and I shrug, opening the fridge and taking out the ingredients I need to make a rolled egg omelet.

It's not until I've turned the stove off and placed the plates of food on the dining table that Charles appears, rubbing his eyes, yawning as he raises his arms over his head to stretch his muscles, his shirt rising to expose his cute tummy.

"Morning, love."

"Morning, baby. I made breakfast," I say, he finally reaches me, placing a kiss on my head before he takes his seat. I sit next to him, pushing the coffee creamer towards him for his coffee. He thanks me with a smile, raising my hand to his lips to kiss it before getting his coffee ready.

"What do you want to do after breakfast?" Charles asks, cutting into his omelet, his eyes focused on my sleepy face.

"We can watch movies and cuddle in the living room," I suggest, taking a sip of my own coffee before beginning to eat.

"We can even leave the Christmas tree on," I smile when Charles says that knowing our next electricity bill will be higher than normal due to the heat being on and the Christmas tree. Charles tells me not to worry, his salary is more than enough to cover all the expenses.

Once breakfast is done, Charles sends me to the living room to pick out a movie while he clears the table and does the dishes. I peck his cheek before walking to the living room, grabbing the throw blanket off the back of the couch and throwing it over my lap as I take my spot on the couch. My hand reaching out to grab the remote off the cluttered coffee table.

I turn the TV on, selecting Netflix and looking through the list of Christmas movies.

"Babe?" I call out, hoping my husband can hear me over the running water of the kitchen sink. I wait for Charles', "yeah" before continuing.

"Do you care what we watch?" I call back, waiting for his response.

"Whatever you want, baby! Today is about my gorgeous wife!" his answer makes me smile, blushing slightly as I scroll through the options, pausing on 'The Holiday Calendar.' I had been wanting to watch it, but I wasn't entirely sure if it was my cup of tea. Biting my lower lip, I mull over it before finally giving in and hitting play.

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