Storm Baby

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A/N: Jamilams

//3rd Person P.O.V//

"Respirar" Alexander said to his wife- in Spanish, he tends to forget to speak English in a situation that scars him and this was that type of situation that scared him nearly to death. His wife was having major contractions. Alexander was frightened by the way Jocelyn cried and gripped his hand. 

He looked over at his husband who was focusing on driving them away from the town that happened to have a storm in it. They were close to it as well- it was directly behind them. Rain poured from the sky, thunder roared loudly, and lightning flashed brightly. 

"Hey, hey mirame, concéntrate en mí, recuerda respirar" Alex said, rubbing his palm over Jocelyn's hand, she snatched her hand away from his. "¡Deja de hablarme!" She yelled at him. 

"Thomas, are we almost there?" Alexander asked staring out of the mirror looking at the huge black storm trotting behind them. "I'm not sure- we're almost there though."  

"Wait, It's right there!" He said pointing to Alexandra Hospital. He knew this town like the back of his hand mainly because he grew up. In the Caribbeans Charlestown Saint Kitts and Nevis. Thomas parked the car swiftly. He unbuckled his seat belt and unbuckled Jocelyn's as well. Alexander grabbed the hospital bags while Thomas maneuvered Jocelyn out of the car. 

All of them were hit with a pool full amount of rain, drenching them all. They arrived inside the warm hospital- and Jocelyn was given a wheelchair by a kind nurse. The nurse led them to their room. 

"How are you feeling?"  Thomas asked sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Jocelyn looked so tired and pale. Her hair was brushed- swept out of her face, yet it was still wet. "Tired, scared, worried." She mumbled. Both Thomas and Alexander ran their fingers through her wet hair places kisses on her cheeks and hands. 

They all fell asleep.

A couple of hours later they all woke up to loud noises. "¿Qué? ¿Que esta pasando?" She asked, and Alexander smiled at her. "They're just getting stuff ready so you can give birth," he responded, she nodded smiling a bit. 

"Are you having any more contractions?" Thomas asked she nodded. "They hurt a bit, but not like earlier," she mumbled closing her eyes still exhausted.  


She gave birth in the dark due to the lights going out in the hospital. It difficult but she managed to do it. She rested her head against the pillow oh so tired, tears trickling down her cheeks. They turned on the flashlight for their phones and handed the babies to their mother. 

She sobbed and smiled, admiring her beautiful daughters. 

Welcome to the world Storm babies.

A/N: Srry if this shit made no sense

Mkay bye I'ma go cry now.

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