Hand sanitizer

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John was on his computer doing nothing in particular besides drawing e-girls and hentai. Y'know the usual. 

Until his sister, fucking Martha kicked his damn door open. "Wut," John said and turned around in his thanos swivel chair.

"Wants sum hand sanitizer?" the dumbass fatass skeletonass sisterass asked john

"uh, pour in my hands" Jerking off john said smerKiNg mary came out of now where and started twerking 

John rUbbed his hands together like he rubbed alex's dicko- that he happily sucked on like a lollipop a few hours ago.

"WhaTs' it smell like?" she asked and threw the bottle at mary's flat ass. Mary died like James.

jun stopped rubbing his hands together and smelled it.


his brain was processing the smell- Martha slapped a loading sticker across his face

he smelled it again, getting high off it

and the whole family died because they inhaled too much hand sanitizer 

The end

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