Leather Jacket.

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A/N: Lams. TRANS JOHN PER USUAL you know wut fuck it boiz we making le lams one-shot book when I get home from skewl.


Jasmine sat on the cold concrete ground behind the school taking a puff of her cigarette. She didn't like the name Jasmine. It wasn't her style neither was being a female. She called herself John and dressed and acted like a boy. Binders to flatten her freckled breast. Shoulder length hair to get rid of her female features. Though they still had a lot of them. She used pronouns he/him. 

"Um, what are doing?" asked a tall Spanish skinned boy asked. John looked up at the boy as if he were stupid. He stood up and looked up at him. "What does it look like, twat?" he spat coldly. "Smoking. Which can severely damage your lungs, " the boy added. John got sick of his bullshit decided to lit out his cigarette on the boy's arm. It left a purplish black mark, the boy hissed in pain while John left it there for a while, smiling directly at him. He pulled back from his arm and let the cigarette drop to the ground. 

"Oops, didn't know it can damage your skin as well baby boy. You should head to the nurses before that gets any worse." John snickered while walking away. 

The boy known as Alexander stood there rubbing his arm. 


John walked to the back of the school hoping no one was there so he could smoke in peace. What high school can be difficult, especially for our poor John who's going through some life challenges and trauma. An abusive mother at home and a dead little brother their family has to lie to rest tomorrow. John's mother would blame him for James death. It isn't John's fault James committed suicide, he was going through a rough time as well. Why? Because of his abusive mother. Or maybe because father divorced mother. Either of those was possibly two of the reasons James committed suicide.  

John walked sadly at the thought of James, he pulled out his lighter and pulled up his sleeve revealing a shit ton of burn marks, cuts, and scars. He held the lighter to his wrist and flicked it and burned his arm. It was a sense of relief to him. Little did he know Alex was watching from around the corner the whole time.  "Hey, don't do it please..." Alex begged as he saw John grab some pills and a razor. 

"Fuck off," John said embarrassed and on the verge of tears. Alex didn't go but he stayed by John's side and comforted him, John cried onto Alex's shoulder and told him all of his problems. Like the abuse at home, or the constant self-harm and even revealing his real gender. Alexander was completely understanding and even acknowledged John as his new friend. 

-(Time skip 4 yrs later)

The two become the bests of friends, they would do everything together. Alexander even got John to stop self-harming and cutting. John's been clean for 4 years now. 

Now their off to college and dating.

Alexander came back to his shared dorm with his boyfriend which is John to silence. John would usually be in the living room playing with their pet bird or painting. But it was silent, he never liked the quiet. 

"John?" Alex called throughout the dorm. He became deeply worried since John started harming again. They were only baby cuts but it was still enough for Alex to worry. He also noticed how tired John always looked.

He walked into their bedroom and sat down on their bed. Watching the bathroom door that connects to their room, the lights were on so John must've been in there. He waited and waited. He waited so more, he eventually waited an hour which worried him more. He stood up from the bed and knocked on the bathroom door. No response. He jiggled the doorknob, but it was locked. He rushed downstairs and opened the kitchen drawers finding a screwdriver. He ran back upstairs and unscrewed the doorknob, swinging the door opened.

He screamed and held his lifeless lover in his arms, hoping this was all some kind of dream. He wailed sobbing onto John who was dead. 

All there was left of him was his leather jacket.

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