Lazy mornings

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A/n: Laf, Herc, and John. Whatever this ship name is.


3rd Person P.O.V

John felt his boyfriends starting to stir and smiled. "Morning, darling."

Laf and Herc made an unintelligible sound, nestling into John's warmth, burying their heads in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "Mmhm."

"You two are adorable," John murmured, and Herc let out a sleepy chuckle; hiding his face more. He didn't handle compliments well. John watched as Laf's legs straightened and he arched his spine. "You're like a cat. You stretch like one, anyway."

"Hm." Laf and Herc were all loose and relaxed, content. Lazy mornings like this were John's favorite part of the day, aside from the lazy evenings where they would order takeout and curl up on the couch watching Lazy town (John's choice) or American Horror Story (Herc and Laf's favorite). John always held onto Herc tight during those as Laf cuddled John from behind. "Love you..."

John laughed lightly, stroking Laf's hair absently. "Well, that's good. Otherwise this would be really awkward."

Laf kissed his neck in response, nosing up at his jaw. "We should just stay here all day."

"We need to eat," Herc reminded him, smiling at Laf's grumbling, unintelligible protests. "I could order Chinese...?"

Laf sighed happily, resting his head by John's shoulder. "Mm. Sounds great, love."

"We'll have to go downstairs to get it," Herc realized. Laf groaned, but then Herc said, "I'll get it and bring it up."

"You're the best," Laf mumbled, eyelids drooping. Still tired, then.

John kissed Laf's temple, cradling his head close to his shoulder, his arm draping across Herc's waist. "And you're adorable. No arguments. It's been decided, here and now, that you, Hercules Mulligan and Laffy Taffy sorry hun your name is too long, are absolute, utterly, adorable."

Herc laughed and Laf groaned burying his face into John's side.

John smiled down contently at his Lazy boys. 

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