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A/N: Huehue my friend recommended this to me. So um basically say no to this but uh...LAMS! And with a twist, I guess because I don't fully want it to be like say no to this. so yeah enjoy this...trash? Yeah, definitely trash.

Meloncornyay (the person who recommended me this)

Alexander's P.O.V

I stared petrified at my phone. I got a text from a guy named 'Francis' who was supposedly John's boyfriend. I threw my phone down and ran over to his house. I pounded on the door harshly.

He opened the door half-dressed.

I grabbed him by the neck.

"A-Alex you hurting me!" he cried trying to get free. 

"How could you?!" 

I yelled looking him in his black eye, his face started turning purple.

"Alex let me go!" John cried. 

I pushed him down harshly I didn't mean to though. He fell down on his back, and let out a cry in pain.


"N-no! Don't touch me," he crawled backward away from me bumping into the wall. "I'm sorry I had sex with you just don't touch me," John begged as he hugged himself. His binder strap was showing. He's transgender.

"Why are you half dressed?" I asked.

"Doesn't concern you shouldn't you be hitting me," John asked as he pulled his shirt onto his shoulder so it wasn't hanging off. 

"N-no, I wouldn't h-" 

"You just choked me and you don't say you wouldn't fucking hit me!" he snarled obviously upset. 

He stood up letting his hair fall over his black eye. He crossed his arms. 

"I took a pregnancy test today, and could you guess the outcome out of it?" he said standing in front of me. 


John flashed a smile and placed his hands on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. Then pulled away from the side of my face looking directly in my eyes. I only looked into one of his green eyes due to the other being covered. He giggled and hugged me.

"Why are you so happy about a negative pregnancy test?" He pulled away from me and took my hands in his. 

"It wasn't negative Mr. Hamilton, it was positive." John smiled brightly at me.

"Oh! One more thing," He said playing with the buttons of my shirt.

"You're the father," 

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