Miracle in the making

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A/N: Laurette (TRaNs John! sorry it's my fav John besides pregnant)

John's P.O.V


I sighed sadly once again and threw the test into the trashcan. I left the bathroom depressed just like all of the other times I took a pregnancy test.

I broke down when I saw Lafayette waiting for me outside the bathroom. I let tears run down my cheeks in frustration, desperation, and just pure sadness. He pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back. 

"Are you sure you aren't on your birth control pills?" he asked for the millionth time. I pulled away from him in annoyance. 

"Yes! I'm fucking sure I'm not on my birth control pills!" I yelled.

"Mon Amour...please calm down..." he looked as just upset. He pulled me into his arms again, I just sobbed into his chest. I just want a child! Is that too much to ask?

(One week later)

Lafayette's P.O.V

I waited outside the bathroom like I always did for John. We're married and been trying to conceive for six months now. It's been very stressful, not only for me but for John as well. The most stressful thing about besides trying to conceive was the fact that John would put themselves down because well, they're transgender. 

Anyways I stood outside the bathroom, praying that it would be positive. If it wasn't I don't know what I'll do. 

I heard the bathroom door open, I put all my attention towards John. They were shaking with tears down their face. "Amour, what happened?" I asked concerned to the max. John looked at me with the biggest smile. I've haven't gotten this type of smile since I proposed to marriage and when we got married. 

"It's positive!" they wailed with happiness. I smiled breaking down into tears of joy, I hugged him tightly but not tight enough to hurt my small lover. John kissed my cheek and buried his face into my shoulder. 

I held my lover in my arms eventually we collapsed onto the floor holding each other acknowledging our miracle

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