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It was a lonely night for the King who was alone in his dark room, he wanted to go outside and take a walk, but he was almost paralyzed. All he felt the past week is weakness, he couldn't even glance outside through his windows. He sat up and took a deep breath, opening the lamp beside him that became the only source of light that night.

It was quiet around him, there was no disturbance. He knew that the whole palace must be sleeping now. He could heard some steps from the outside but of course, he knew that those are just the palace guards who are doing their work, guarding his home properly.

He flipped the brown book that was under his desk and took out his brush and the dark ink and began writing once again.

"25th of July, 1849

I am alone inside my room, knowing that I am safe since my palace guards are outside. But I am bored, this room is too quiet. I want to take a walk outside, just like what I used to do when my grand mother was alive—"

He heard a loud thump from the outside that made him lift his head, and place the brush that he was holding down on the small table.

"Who's there?" He asked but no one answered. The surroundings became silent again. It was weird because everytime he would ask, the guard will inform him that they're just doing their work and say sorry for interrupting his good sleep by making noise. "Will you not speak?!"

He shouted and tried to make his voice scary as before when he was healthy. No one knew that he was almost dying, except for his own doctor, and so as his second cousin, Yi-Byeon who was going to take over his place once he leaves.

He did his best to stand up, grabbing the sharp metal sword that was hung on the left side of his room. He was scared, but as a King and a ruler, no one should see him scared. No one should know his weakness. No one should see him weak like this. He pulled out the sword from the metal sheath, making his way to the sliding door, walking very carefully, making sure he won't trip.

"Speak and tell me who you are!" He demands with such a powerful voice. Despite his sickness, he had the courage to protect himself. He will die but not now, he thought.

"Strong and wise, my king. Just like when you're younger." He heard a familiar voice from behind the wooden door that was separating the them from seeing each other. He knew it was familiar but he didn't know who it was. He was trying to figure it out but no one came to his mind.

"Who are you?" He asked still pointing the tip of the sword on the door.

"Do you think I am foolish enough to tell you who am I?!" The unknown man shouted making him startled. Who would it be to have this courage to shout at the King?

"What are you doing inside my palace?!"

"The palace is my home, your highness." He heard the man smirk. "It is where I live. I live here with you. But I think tonight is the right time that you shall leave."

"Guards!" The King shouted and he made sure that his voice was loud enough to be heard.

"There are no guards, my King. I killed them all," The man laughed that made the King's heart thump out of fear. There was no way he would survive with this man. He could feel his knees getting weak, not because of fear but because of his illness. "And now, you're next."

"Get out of my room you treasoner!"

The door broke, caused by the strong impact that the young man exert when he kicked it. The King couldn't see his face cleary, because just like the men who killed his grandmother, he has a black cloth covering his face and he was all dressed in black.

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