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Your POV

Joo Enterprises
11:09 PM

I took a sip on the cup of coffee beside the stack of folders on top of my table. I've already finished five cups of coffee earlier this afternoon and I still feel so drained. I feel like my brain's not working right now.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Rosé asked worriedly as she placed the pencil that she was holding beside the paper infront of her.

"Yes, of course." I leaned my back on the swivel chair as I took a deep breath, Rosé did the same as she looked at me.

I've been inside my company for more than twelve hours today, just to think of ways how to make things work. The board meeting earlier was chaos, I'm not so sure if the board members will ever agree with one decision or suggestion. Everyone keeps on insisting on their own beliefs and it made my head hurt so much. Some wanted to sue our rival company but we're not sure if it will be a success since we're lacking with evidence. Some of the members wanted to just upgrade the features of our device, to just make our device better than the product that we're supposed to release but further research and experiments are needed to be done. I don't know what to do anymore.

"I'm sorry that we can't move our release date for next month." She sighed as we both looked at her sketchpad, we are currently trying to change eveything for the new product. "People expects us to drop the product as soon as possible."

"It's not your fault." I simply spoke. "We all had no idea that this is going to happen."

I massaged my temples and closed my eyes for a second, but I quickly opened them. I think that if I close my eyes right now, I'll be asleep the next second.

"You have to relax, first. We won't be able to work properly if you're so stressed, Y/N."

"I'm just so mad, Chaeng." I sighed and finished the cup of coffee in my hands. "I have no idea how this happened."

I felt Chaeyoung's hand on my shoulder, the woman tried to calm me down despite the fasct that she was also tired. If only Irene was with me...


"Oh, shit." I hurriedly stood up from my swivel chair while I pull out my phone from my pocket, making Rosé look at me in shock and confusion but she didn't say a thing. I guess she knew what happened.

God, why am I so dumb?

How could I forget to call her or even send her a text?

"You're so dead." I mumbled to myself as I dialed Irene's phone number. The other line just rang again and again, no one was answering. Maybe she's already asleep. "I'm so stupid."

"Hyunnie can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your message!" It was only the voicemail.

I sighed and gave up, cancelling my call and quickly opened our chatbox. Active one hour ago.

"I guess you're asleep now, Hyunnie. I'm sorry for not calling you, but have a good rest. Good night my love."


Joo Enterprises

6:43 AM

Believe it or not, I stayed at the company the whole night without even closing my eyes. I was staring at my computer the whole night, trying to research if it was even possible to upgrade the device but it seemed like for now, it was everything possible. I sighed and stood up from my chair, I feel like I'm going to collapse any second now, I feel so empty and tired. After an hour, maybe I'll just hand-off my progress to my team and let them finish so I could go home and rest? Or would that be unfair since I'm the CEO?

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