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The whole week had been a week full of catching up.

We'd made love from the very first day, every night, every time we wake up beside each other. I had to remind her every day how much I loved her, and I had to remind myself that I was here in reality, that everything was real.

Every day, we stayed in bed as long as we wanted, only stepping out when we were starving. Taylor and Alice didn't mind the silence of the house—or I meant the first floor because inside the room, it's another story. My ears were pleasured to hearing Irene calling my name in moans and screams, my skin accepted every scratch on top of every stitch and bruise. My lips took in hers every now and then, and we'd been holding each other's souls for hours within seven days.

And fuck, I couldn't wait anymore.

Irene woke up with the sound of zippers from the walk-in closet inside our bedroom, she marched down to see what was happening. The moment she walked into the door, my mouth dropped to the sight of her naked figure. She didn't bother wearing any clothes for the past days unless she has to take food from the kitchen. For seven days, she'd wake up naked beside me and slide into the shower for a warm bath, then come back beside me without wearing anything at all.

I wasn't complaining. I love knowing that she's comfortable around me.

"What are you doing?"

Despite the sleep-warmed laziness in her eyes, her orbs popped wide. Irene walked closer and sat on one of the square cushions, looking over the pair of suitcases laying on the floor, filled with our clothes.

"Are we going somewhere?" She asked when I didn't speak.

"Why, good morning to you too, love." I chuckled and threw the last pair of jeans inside my suitcase, slamming it close and secured it with a zipper. "And yes, we are leaving."

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now." I stood from the floor and walked towards her, lifting her chin with a finger to place a kiss on her lips.

"Where are we going?" She asked again. My eyes fell onto her perky breasts, nipples were lively, inviting my mouth to bite. But I brushed my thoughts away, this day must be different from all the others. This day was special.

"It's a surprise." I chuckled. "Shower?"

Irene grinned and stood from where she was sitting, wrapping both arms around me and glued her breasts against my bare skin.

Fuck, she wasn't making this easy.

"Which kind of shower?" She asked, kissing me. "I think I like a fun one."

"I'd like that too, but I think we should settle for an innocent one."

She frowned in front of me, but I managed to make her smile by covering her face with kisses. I easily pulled her into the bathroom where we bathed ever so quickly, preventing myself to touch her when every inch of her body tempted me.

Thankfully, I survived.

We both slipped into the clothes I prepared, I wore a white dress shirt with the sleeves folded up to my elbows, partnered with a pair of black trousers. Thankfully, my stitches had faded a little that didn't make me worry about what other people would think. Irene had dressed into a grey summer dress, a black belt secured her waist. She had her hair falling down to her shoulders into a perfect set of waves.

The first day we hadn't had sex first thing in the morning.

So far, the plan's going as good as I thought.

Taylor had brought our bags to the car and waited for just us at the underground parking, and thankfully Irene hadn't noticed that Alice wasn't around or if she did, then every single thing would be ruined.

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