Epilogue III

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"Alpha brown, are we clear for landing?" The deep voice of Y/N's secretary rang through the speakers as he spoke to his headgear, turning the helicopter to their destination.

Irene's eyes were darted outside the window, amazed to see the green carpet of trees on the tall mountain of The Eden Valley. The beauty of the valley was exceptional, as its peak reached the fluffy clouds.

Smiling, she turned her eyes to look in her arms. There, slept their little girl who just turned one year old two months ago. She adjusted the cartoon designed blanket that covered her and secured the headphones on her ears to make sure the helicopter sound wasn't disturbing her.

On her shoulder, her husband placed his chin and watched their little angel in her sleep. Y/N's big hand carefully held their daughter's little feet—only the size of his thumb. Out of nowhere, he smiled as his eyes glanced at his daughter's face.

They named her Seline, from the Greek name Selina that meant stars. Seline was the exact carbon copy of his wife, she got Irene's features in every way aside for her little nose that she got from her father. Their eyes were the same, she even got Irene's lips. Y/N could never wish for more, she was a also precious soul as her mother.

He never thought of having his own family when he thought he was dying. He never saw it coming—having a wonderful woman as his wife. Irene had given him everything he desired. She had given him back the love that he lost when he lost everyone who was important to him. She had given him everything he needed and wanted from the moment they met, until Irene had given him the biggest blessing in their life, their daughter.

"Are we close to landing?"

Y/N's thoughts snapped away as he heard his wife speak, bringing her face close to his. Y/N stared right into her wife's orbs that always mesmerized him, never will he get tired at looking at them.

"Almost there," he kissed Irene's lips as she broke into a sweet smile. Irene's smile was the same as their daughter, and he loved it.

Looking at his hand, he looked at Seline's feet. He smiled as his heart fastened, a year now and still he couldn't believe that he was now a father, a husband to a woman. Seline was theirs, he made her. He made her with his wife, she was from their love that bloomed into something wonderful, something amazing.

Kicking lightly, Seline opened her eyes and met two pair of orbs that stared at her with tenderness and warmth. Irene smiled as she watched her daughter recover from her sleep while Y/N kept a hand on her feet.

It wasn't a surprise that she pushed herself up from Irene's arm, sitting abruptly for she was naturally energetic and hyper. Smiling, she raised her arms towards his father, almost begging for Y/N to carry her.

"She wants you, Y/N." Irene smiled as she handed her to him. Gladly, Y/N took her into his muscular arms, hugging his daughter between his arms.

It warmed Irene's heart to see Seline very close to her husband. It reminded her of the days when she was young, when her father was always there for her. As much as Y/N adored Seline, their daughter was always so excited at seeing him no matter what time it was—at midnight when she suddenly wakes up, when Y/N comes home—just, anytime. Those are the sweetest moments that Irene kept in her mind.

As Seline played with Y/N's customized cuff links, her other hand went to her headphones and threw it away. It crashed on the window that was made of thick and bulletproof glass, falling to the floor afterwards.

"Seline, that's absolutely not a way to behave." Irene scolds.

Their daughter's eyes immediately went watery, her lower lip brushing forward as she resisted herself from crying. Y/N broke into a chuckle as she hugged her close to his chest, the other hand went to touch Irene's and squeezed it gently.

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