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An hour after Rosé left, I busied myself in trying to re-process our research by the computer. After a few errors, I got so sick of it that I slammed my hands against the wooden desk, I shouted in annoyance.

"Nothing is fucking working."

I turned my chair around and decided to look at the large window behind me, the view of Seoul welcomed my eyes. I stayed like that for a few minutes, massaging my temples as I took deep breaths. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to calm down, releasing all the tension inside my body. If I stay like this, any minute now I'll be drifting in to deep sleep, I'm sure. My head began spinning, scenarios began to form inside my imagination. I was dreaming while half-awake.

Inside my head, I was in Joseon. I was inside the kingdom where Mingyu and Nayeon ruled, they're now happily married. Their kids ran around the large garden of the palace, two boys and one girl. They looked ao precious, just like a perfect and happy family. As soon as the two noticed my presence, they smiled at me without saying anything. I approached Mingyu's eldest, patting his head. The future ruler of Joseon has been born.

I noticed a figure behind Mingyu, the man wearing a black mask and black clothes all over. In his hands, there was a sword. A sword that had three stones on it. That sword... Why does it look so familiar?

A red stone, white stone, and a gold one.

"Yi-Byeon..." I mumbled against my breath, my arms slowly lifting while I pointed at Mingyu's back. "M-Mingyu, look out!"

The man in black raised the sword in a quick motion and slashed it on Mingyu's back. I tried to move, I tried to run, but I couldn't. I tried moving my arms and my legs but nothing happened.

"No, no." I muttered. I lifted my gaze and saw Mingyu and Nayeon laying on the floor, a pool of blood surrounded their cold bodies. The three kids hugged each other as they cried, Yi-Byeon was aiming to kill them next.

"Fuck, no." I mumbled.

He raised his sword and aimed it straight to the direction of the innocent children, blood spurted out of their bodies...


My eyes opened, meeting the skyline of Seoul.

"Fucking hell."

A dream. Just a fucking dream.

I sighed as I pulled myself up from the chair. I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself. My heart was racing in fear, I became so anxious because of that dream. It seemed so real! I thought that it was real, I was almost dying inside my head. Why is my dream like that? It seemed like... it was sending me some signal. A warning.


I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my blazer and checked at the time, I was just sleeping for just six minutes. My dream didn't seem like it happened for just six minutes. As I slid a finger down on the screen of the mobile phone, the notification window showed me a text from Irene, telling me that she just arrived. I quickly took another deep breath and rushed myself to recover from my very short sleep. Standing up, I removed my blazer and stepped outside of the office, seeing some of the employees arrive for work. Some greeted me good morning while the interns threw a confused gaze on me, maybe the fact that seeing me around the hallways of the office is very unusual. Ever since we accepted the interns, I had never stayed overnight here but the others were used to it, knowing that I'm somehow... a hard worker.

Using the empty elevator, I hopped in and pushed the button that will take me to the first floor, the lobby. The ride was a little slow and I was still somehow drowsy. Two persons from the fourth floor entered, they quickly bowed to me and while I did the same.

"Tell me it wasn't her." The woman whispered to the other, but the other woman smiled.

"I'm sure it's her. It was Irene from Red Velvet!"

I suddenly felt my throat being clogged with saliva, making me cough in an unmannered way. I quickly took out a handkerchief from my pockets and covered my mouth, excusing myself from the employees.

"I just wonder what she's doing here?" The other asked. Eavesdropping to a conversation was never my thing but can you blame me for hearing it if we're inside a narrow and closed space? Probably, some had no idea that I have connections with SM Entertainment though I really own a part of SM. How would people react if they see us? The public never had any idea or even clues that she and I are dating. What will they say if they see us right now? Would that be weird?

The elevator dinged and as soon as the doors opened, I stepped out and my eyes began scanning the whole place. The building's lobby was quite occupied by many people since this is the usual time that they arrive for work. It was new to me because as far as I can remember, I had never stepped out of my office this early. My feet brought me to another direction, leading me to the cafeteria and I wasn't wrong, my lady is there.

Staring at her phone with a frown, Irene had her hair untied as the rays of sunlight from the large windows hit them, making it look like it's in a light brown color. The light blue over-sized shirt that she wore made me smile, that shirt was mine though. She had them tucked inside her jet-black denim pants that had small cuts on the knee. I approached her with slow and calm steps that she didn't even notice my presence until I decided to sat on the chair beside her, she turned her gaze at me in surprise.

"There you are." She mumbled in a low-volumed voice. I gave her a smile as a response, I didn't speak. My eyes stared at her face, she was obviously in a wonderful mood. Was it because of me? "What took you so long?"

"The elevator was slow." I answered with a light chuckle. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, now I feel fine. I feel better that she's with me. "You seem very... happy right now."

"Of course, I am." She placed her phone down on the table, shifting her body a little to face my direction, one of her legs were resting on her chair. "And you? Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Just hearing your name makes me smile, how can I not be happy right now that you're infront of me, hm?" I playfully asked, resting my arm on the backrest of her chair. Irene gave me a soft smile, her hands suddenly reached up to my face. She cupped my cheeks with both of her hands, her thumbs ran under my eyes, she was touching my worn-out eye bags.

"Are you okay?" The expression on her face changed, it showed concern and worry. "You look very tired right now, Y/N."

"Because I am." I chuckled. I placed a quick kiss on her palm. "But I'm okay, baby. Especially now that you're here."

"You know, I badly want to scold at you right now." Irene released my face with a sigh, letting her head fall against my shoulder.

"Please don't." I sighed as well. I looked through the reflection of the windows, seeing some of the people glance at us. Some whispered and gossiped, some just watched silently that made me smile. "Lift your head and look around."

The woman complied to my orders, letting her eyes look around while half of her face still hid behind my shoulders. I felt her lips curve into a smile, making me smile as well. She hid her face again out of embarrassment, I laughed at her simple but cute actions.

"Should we leave now?" She asked whispering. "Everyone's looking at us."

I laughed ridiculously while my hands gently tapped her back, her scent lingered around us.

"And you're shy about this?"

"Yes, how could I not?! Everyone's looking at us, Y/N." The woman complained. "Come on, stand up. We have to go."

I agreed with her and took her hand, intertwining it with mine as I pulled her up. As soon as we faced the amount of people at the cafeteria, almost everyone quickly averted all their gazes away from us as if nothing happened. A stifled laugh came out from my lips, unintentionally dragging the attention of some employees who exchanged smiles with me and Irene.

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