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"Where do we go first today, sir?" Taylor asked as we both got inside the car.

"Let's go to SM first. I have a meeting this morning."

"Okay, sir."

It has been a week since I last talked to Irene. She never called me after even though I tried reaching out, but there was no answer or response.

"Christmas even passed and still..."

"You were saying something, sir?"

"Nothing, Taylor. Just... thinking out loud."

I sighed and leaned my back to the seat, finding the most comfortable spot inside the car but it seems like I cannot find it.

"Are you alright?" The man who was driving asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Not at all." I sighed and closed my eyes, as I heard him chuckle.

"Alice prepared your favorite this morning, how could you not be fine?" He asked confusedly but I just shrugged and looked out the window.

"There's a lot of things I should worry about and unfortunately, Alice's cooking didn't help even a bit. But it was still amazing."

"I wonder what's bothering you." He looked at me curiously, furrowing his eyebrows at me. "You're not normally like that when you think about work."

"How could you say that?" I asked not believing his guesses, but of course. Everything he just said was right.

"Y/N, I've been working for you for exactly two years and I know how you behave." The man smirked confidently before he turned the car on the corner, stopping the vehicle as he smiled. "Anyways, we are here."

"Great. Thanks, Taylor."

I stepped out of the car as he opened the door for me and fixed my suit. I scanned the tall building infront of me as Taylor took my briefcase and guided me inside.

"Good morning, Mr. Joo." My secretary, Ysabelle said as she stood on the company's door, waiting for me to arrive. I just nodded at her and continued to walk inside. Employees around that saw us greeted me as well but I kept walking towards the elevator on the end of the hallway where I was followed by the two.

"Mr. Lee called before you arrive. He wants to see you today." Ysabelle says that made me look at her.

"What? Why?" I asked irritated.

"He told me that he'll tell you in his office." She spoke biting her lip, as if she was afraid of me.

"Call him back. Tell him I'll be there after lunch," I shrugged as the elevator dinged, then got out of the small space. The floor was silent as I came but inside the meeting room, I could see some of the company's music producers.

"Will do, sir." The woman answered.

Taylor went straight to my office to organize my things while my secretary opened the door of the meeting room, making the people inside minimize their noise as they saw me.

"Good morning." I greeted plainly.

"Good morning, CEO." One of the men says then smiled at me. I kept silent and sat on my place, then took everything I needed from my secretary. As I looked at the people who I was gonna be talking to, I noticed that they were still in shock. I looked much younger than them. Most of them looked like they aged from forty years old or older if I wasn't wrong with my guess. But what they don't know is, I'm a hundred years older than them.

"Shall we start?" I asked them and they all agreed.

The meeting went smooth and plain, just like how meetings normally do. No questions were asked and all I did for the morning was to listen and approve ideas and plans for SM's new girl group on the following year.

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