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Long chapter ahead!


Metal armors over their clothing, metal helmets to secure their heads, they grabbed each and every weapon that they needed before they make their journey towards behind the palace gates. Chan-sook left first while riding one of the three horses that the soldier provided from days ago, he said that he stole it from his father's stable.

When Chan-sook came back to the palace the other day to snoop around the palace, he also sneaked inside Heonjong's old room to attach a small piece of wood on a rope that was tied onto one of the poles. Nayeon and Y/N would be entering from there and the stick would serve as their go signal if it's safe to enter.

While Chan-sook went back to the palace, Nayeon and Y/N were left back under their tree. He was staring at the ground, holding his sword by its grip. Fingers tapping against his sword, he took several deep breaths and closed his eyes, then opened it again, then to close it once more.

"Hey, you have to calm down." Giggles escaped Nayeon's lips as she watched Ihwan.

"I can't." Y/N answered with his voice trembling. "What if we—"

"We'll do it." Nayeon assured. "Everything will go as planned, Ihwan. Trust me. And trust yourself."

Y/N inhaled once more and took in air. It has been almost thirty minutes when Chan-sook left and surely, he finished checking if it was safe in the palace.

"You ready?" The woman asked with a smile. "Cheoljong's waiting for us."

"Let's do it."

They both hopped into their horses and departed. Despite the loud sound of the horse's footsteps, Y/N could also hear the loud sound of his heart against his chest. He was scared-not of Yi-Byeon but he was scared of what's about to happen. What if they fail?

He was heading home. The building where it was his home, but was stolen from him by his own cousin.

His cousin that took everything away from him, his grand-mother.

Yi-Byeon who tried to kill him too many times now, but never succeeded.

Yi-Byeon whom he also tried to kill, but he failed at the first try.

But now that Y/N has his second chance, he's not gonna waste it.

He grabbed on to the rope tighter and kicked his feet against his horse, the animal quickened its steps and ran faster, Y/N had the enough motivation to know what's his purpose on returning to the past.

To end the man who made him and his loved ones suffer.

Y/N ran past over Nayeon too quickly that it stunned the Queen but instead of competing on who's faster, Nayeon just flashed a smile. She knew that Ihwan would end it, once and for all.


They left their horses from a fair distance away from the palace walls and from where they were standing, Y/N could already see the piece of wood hanging from a rope, over the tall walls of the palace. They stood behind a tall shrub and watched closely, it lasted for about five minutes before they saw the wood move together with the rope attached to it. Y/N looked from left and right before he stepped out of the shrub, Nayeon handed him a thick rope with a hook on its end.

Back pressed against the walls, Nayeon prepared her weapon in case someone would see them while Y/N busied himself by throwing the hook over the tall barrier. Once he succeeded, he grabbed onto it.

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