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Your POV

I was fading.

The pain increased while seconds passed, my lungs wheezed as it hardly took in the air that I breathed through my mouth.

I was dying.

I couldn't feel anything anymore, I don't what was happening. I could remember losing my sense of smell when I couldn't smell the blood anymore, when I couldn't smell the trees of the woods.

I lost the sense of touch. I knew Nayeon was pulling me, I knew she did her best to save me. She was holding my hand since we left the palace, she never let go of it, but I couldn't feel her hands on mine anymore. I couldn't feel the rough ground on my back, I couldn't feel anymore.

But the pain stilled.

I could remember clearly that Yi-Byeon never stopped to slash the sword on my arm until Nayeon agreed with him, I could remember seeing Nayeon beg so he would stop. That pained me, knowing that I'm too weak to protect her.

She protected me just like she promised me.

I'm sorry, Mingyu.

I'm sorry for being so weak and not protecting Nayeon from him. But thank you, she became strong because of you. I know that you live within her soul and made her stronger than she ever was.

The pain on my arm never faded, I felt my blood seeping continuously from my deep wounds, it left marks on the ground but due to the rain, it washed off.

I couldn't see anymore. My eyes were shut close, and I didn't have any strength to open them but surely if I open them, I wouldn't see anything but a blurry view.

I kept breathing.

My lungs won't take in much air anymore and my breath quickened because of that. I breathed twice every three seconds, I opened my mouth to take in more air but it wasn't working.

I thought I was already dead.

But I still held on tight, I clung on to life and didn't want to give up despite the deadly pain on my whole system.

Physical pain caused by my wounds and injuries.

Emotional pain because I didn't want to leave yet.

I don't want to die.

I used every strength that I had to save myself from falling to hell—or flying to heaven because I don't want to go.

God, don't let it end, please.

I sucked in deeper breath, forcing my lungs to take in the oxygen and help my blood circulate but no matter how hard I breathe, my blood keeps flowing out of my body. I knew I was already pale.

I'm so close to dying.

It's funny how I loved and hated breathing.

Hated because it did nothing but to hurt my lungs and make me wish I just die.

Loved because every breathe meant I still existed, I existed for Irene.

Irene... I can't leave her. She's waiting for me. I promised to come back.

But I'm slowly, so close to breaking my promise.

I couldn't come back anymore.

I allowed myself to let go for a few seconds, I drifted away into dreams and nightmares.

The first, I was born in Joseon and saw how my father adored me. I saw how he died slowly in illness even before my grandfather gave up his throne.

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