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Not proof read. Sorry for some mistakes (if there is)

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The sun was shining through the wooden curtain on the windows, hitting my face that caused me to wake up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned stretching my body on while laying on the thin sheets that was spread on the wooden floor. I turned to my side and saw Migyu sleeping like a baby, a drop of saliva was still on her mouth. I smiled before standing up, grabbing those bags that was filled with my belongings. I carefully took out the items one by one, making sure that I wasn't making any noise that will wake Mingyu up.

As I looked on my things, questions popped out of my head as my eyes landed on the talisman that was on my pillow. Will there be a way so I can go back to the future? Or I'll be staying here forever, running away from Yi-Byeon?

"I love this place," I heard a sleepy voice from behind me that made me chuckle.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" I said turning to Mingyu who was now sitting while watching me.

"Yeah, I'm glad that your grandmother had lived in this kind of house or we'll be staying in the forest again."

The night has been very long and tiring for the both of us since we walked all the way here. My grandmother's house was kilometres away from the palace and we needed to walk here to make sure that we're safe from my cousin's persons. I kept my eyes on the journal infront of me and grabbed the brush and the ink and flipped the book open.

"What are you doing, Ihwan?"

"Writing on the journal." I answered sarcastically that made him throw a pillow towards me.

"To let those girls know that you're safe?"

"Hopefully, they still have the book." I said sighing and began writing. 24th of September 1849

"They won't have reasons to throw it away, right?"

"Of course they have." I chuckled while moving my hand gently while writing on the book. "They have reasons if they throw it away since I left them without saying goodbye."

"Oh, right."

While I was busy writing, Mingyu was busy trying to look for food inside the bags. Until I heard a loud sound of footsteps from afar, and it wasn't from a person, but from a horse. The sound got closer and closer, until I felt the steps very close, as if it was just outside.

"She's here, finally." Mingyu sighed in relief that made me laugh. Yes, finally. We got something to eat. I finished writing my entry and stood up, carefully putting the things away so it won't make our visitor bothered by seeing how messy the house was. I took a peek on the window, opening the curtains and saw the woman wearing a long black hood with a small bag in her hands. She smiled as she saw me, giving me a friendly wave.

"Come in here now, I'm hungry!" Mingyu yelled that made me and the woman laugh.

"You're too noisy, Mingyu." The woman rolled her eyes and began walking towards the door after she tied her horse on the big tree outside.

"Good morning, Your Highness." The woman greets bowing that made me smile. I'm glad some people doesn't forget that I'm still a King. "I wrapped some food for the both of you."

"Very well, join us." I said simply as we all walked towards the table inside the room and sat on the floor. The woman removed her hood before she sat down, putting it aside and began preparing the food infront of us.

"Is this prepared by the palace's best cooks?" I asked and smelled the aroma coming from the food that made my mouth watery.

"Of course, your highness. You always deserve what's best." She says smiling that made me laugh.

"Enough chatting and let's eat! Don't make the food wait!" Mingyu scolded us, making me and the woman infront of us laugh. Among the three of us, Mingyu is always the one who's very impatiend when it comes to eating.

I took my chopsticks and began eating, humming in delight as the food came contact to my tongue that made my taste buds cheer inside my mouth.

"How was it?" The woman asked curiously as she took a drink on her glass. I smiled and sighed in relief.

"Amazing." I answered simply and continued.

"Very amazing!" Minyu clapped his hands. "You're the best!"

"I know that very well, Mingyu. No need to remind me," The woman joked making me chuckle.

As we continued eating, slowly the house was wrapped in silence. It normally happens whenever we're together, but my curiousity didn't make me satisfied by not knowing what happened to the palace the other day.

"How's the palace?"

"They're in total chaos, Ihwan." The woman answered that made me take one heavy breath. "That devil wants to kill you and Mingyu."

"Keep your eyes and ears open. I want to know how and when he will make a move."

"Yes, your highness." She smiled. "And don't worry, I think his Queen helping us alot. She keeps taking him away from his chores as King.

"Really? I hope it goes well then." I chuckled and finally finished my food. The woman laughed with a nod, confident of what she was doing.

"Yes, Ihwan. Don't worry about it. Everything will go as planned." The woman says that made me smile relieved. "I promise."

"I believe in you."

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Hmm... Who do you think is the woman? I want to know your thoughts 😁

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