//✯ intro ✯//

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So you're here to read some Finn Wolfhard Imagines, huh?

Well, obviously because you found my Imagines book, so good news.

You've got good taste in books..


D I S C L A I M E R: I will probably write subtle smut between you and Finn.
Yeah, yeah I get it, he's 16, but lots of you guys like it.
If you don't like it, then don't come for me. Don't read my imagines then.


I will also write some imagines that I think are cute as filler chapters.

[ S L O T 1R e q u e s t s : O P E N ]

——s e l e c t i v e l y——

↳ meaning that i choose a certain number of imagines requests to actually write for.

[ S L O T 2 | R e q u e s t s : O P E N   ]

{ ^^ two slots so that one comment section doesn't get too crowded 😚 }


[ if you'd like to remain anonymous when you request an imagine, PM me with your request, and tell me you'd like to remain unidentified when i publish it.. ;) ]

& i got you 👊

Thanks for choosing my Finn Wolfhard Imagines book, and I look forward to bringing your ideas to life ;)



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