✰•loving rain•✰

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I m a g i n e: Finn chasing after you after you two had a fight, and kisses you in the rain..

Word Count: 751

{{short & sweet }}


"Finn, what the actual HELL?"
You shouted, your voice raising to volumes that it shouldn't be raised to.

"Y/N, stop keeping me on a fucking leash! I only bought 2 bottles-.."
Finn tried to defend himself, but you cut him off.

"Yes, two whole fucking bottles of whiskey! Babe, you said you would stop! You're blowing all your money on fucking drugs and alcohol, and you're just feeding into you addiction!"

You were scared for your boyfriend, knowing that he used to have a drug and drinking problem, and after he quit for sometime, he recently bought more.

"I don't need you to always reprimand me! Let me live my own life, and whether you're in it or not, just stop controlling me!"
Finn's words pierced through the air like a knife, throwing his glare at you like you just offended him.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you licked your lips disbelievingly.

"Fine. Maybe if I'm not in your life, you can do whatever the hell you want without me 'controlling' you."
You said with a pained heart and a hurt tone of voice.

Finn's eyes widened when he realized that you were offering the idea of breaking up with him, and he knew that he screwed up.

He knows that he really does have a drinking and drug problem, but didn't want to admit that to you.
He knows that you love him enough to try and help him through it.

You only wanted to help the man you love.

You felt tears begin to prickle your eyes, threatening to break free, but you didn't want Finn to see.

You pivoted as you turned around towards the door, and opened it forcefully, not caring that it was pouring rain outside as you felt the water drench you and your clothes.

The rain poured heavily onto you as you walked down the sidewalk leading up to Finn's house, walking further away from the door.

The drops drenched your hair, and made your clothes stick to your body.

"Y/N! Wait!"
You heard Finn yell for you, his running steps splashing in the puddles as he cut you off from walking any further.

"Finn..just move out of my way."
You said, looking up at Finn with teary eyes, but hoping that the rain was blending away the tears.

"Baby, i know I messed up. Breaking up is not what I want, because I need you, Y/N. You're what keeps me from slipping into my addictions. You're what I need most, not the alcohol or cocaine."
Finn pleaded his case, the rain pouring onto his curly hair making it drip as he squinted through the rain to look at your reaction.

You both needed each other, because you were both broken.

You didn't want to break up either, and you know that you two needed each other.

"Finn, just let me help you. I love you, and I just want you to get better."
You said, brushing your soaked hair out of your face, as the rain streamed down your face.

"I know, babe. And I'm so grateful for you, just please don't leave. Please don't leave me."
Finn pleaded, reaching his hand to cup your cheek in his palm, and you leaned into his touch.

"I'm not going anywhere."
You assured him, and Finn smiled with relief.

He brought your lips up to his, locking you in a kiss as the rain poured down both your faces.

You had to step up on your toes a little to accommodate to his height as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and his arms making his way down your waist.

You giggled against his lips as you ran your hand through his drenched hair, now even more curlier.

Finn pulled away from your warm lips to stare into your eyes with love, not knowing how he managed to have such a great girlfriend like you.

"I've always wondered what the big deal was about those cliché movies where they kiss in the rain.."
You joked as your hand found his, and you two walked back inside to shield yourselves from the storm.

»»————-  ————-««

a/n: i legit wondered

..all so much for 2k reads & all the votes & comments on this Imagines book!

it really baffles me that you all like my writing, & i really appreciate it.

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