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I m a g i n e [ # 50 ] : Finn sneaking into your room to spend the night with you—only to hear to hear you confess something that enforces your relationship..

Word Count : 1628

[ light and fluffy ;) ]


the night was young, with the bright moon shining into through your window that created a luminescent aura to your already beautiful complexion.
you were laying in your bed with your freshly moistened hair from the shower with a satiny nightgown on— your record player spinning Elvis's 70s songs on end that you loved while you pondered hard about a piercing subject that you had been meaning to confront.

your desk lamp was the only supporting light that assisted the moon's glow in brightening your room—brushing your dampened hair with ease before you noticed a shadow by the window.
the shadow tapped on your window, hearing the glass jingle at his fingertip's urgent touch.

you quickly made your way to the window, opening it to reveal your boyfriend, finn, eagerly engulfing you in a hug as he almost fell through the frame.

"finn ! my parents are gonna kill you !"
you managed to warn your boyfriend through your giggles as he kept pecking small chaste kisses on your face, his arms holding you close to him by your waist.

"can't a guy just come and visit his beautiful girlfriend in peace?"
finn joked as he stared down at you with his wide brown eyes, his hands rested on your waist that kept you close to his chest.

you murmured through a blushed smile, feeling finn's calloused yet soft fingertips brush a strand of your dampened hair behind your ear.
you noticed that it had been raining because finn's hair was dripping wet, his curls sending droplets of water to your forehead.

"i'm glad you're here, actually. i've been wanting to talk to you."
you mentioned, feeling his hands guide your hips as he swayed to the music with you, the way they danced across your lower back sent shivers up your spine.

"hope it's all good things."
he muttered, extending his arm to twirl you around away from him, before you felt your heart begin to throb to get the words out and into the open.
you had felt this way for a long time, not knowing exactly how to tell finn because he wasn't big on words like that.

although you two had only been dating for a little under a year, you knew how you felt.

other people may have thought that you were falling for finn too hard and too fast, but you couldn't help it.
your heart's desires would be ignored no more.

when finn's arms retracted, and spun you closer to his body, your face twirling and stopping just inches away from finn's.
your heart echoed through your chest, urging you to say the words you had been dying to

"i love you.."
you announced suddenly, your hot minty breath brushing against finn's nose, searching his eyes for any sign of reciprocation.

finn's eyes rather resembled a deer in headlights, not completely sure how to react or what to do.
"don't say those words lightly.."
finn warned, his eyes looking cold and hard for a moment while he remembered his tough past.
how his father would say he loved him yet he would beat him senseless on occasions.
how his mother said she loved him more than anything yet she left him to deal with his father's anger issues alone.

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