✰•strawberry lipstick•✰

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I m a g i n e : 'Strawberry lipstick state of mind..'

[ little steam + fluff ! ]

Word Count : 809



"come on, let's go to the skatepark." finn whined, watching as you smiled to yourself while you picked up your backpack purse.

you giggled at your boyfriend's whines. "we will, but i want to go get some lipstick from the store real quick." you soothed.

finn sat up from the couch that you two had been hanging out on together until you sat up saying you wanted to go out. "why?" he pouted.

you chuckled as you shook your head. "because, your stranger things premiere is in a few days, and i want to look nice." you fixed your hair before you walked around your boyfriend to head towards the door.

"babe," he called from behind you, attempting to keep up with you while you went to your car.

"please?" you pouted as you turned around to see finn towered over you, looking down at you with soft eyes. your bottom lip tucked out as you playfully pouted for him to join you.

he gave into you. "fine. but put that lip away before i get it." finn smirked, shooting you a wink before you smirked back while getting into the car.

upon arriving at the small mall, you two walked inside together hand in hand to look around, finding a small sephora outlet to enter.
you two had to keep a low profile because of finn's popularity, but obviously, that didn't work.

"go ahead inside, i'll catch up." finn smiled at you as fans circled him, asking him for autographs and photos, to which he respectfully declined, but gave them hugs and thanks instead.

you entered the store to look for a good shade to match your dress for the stranger things premiere that also happened to match finn's outfit as well.
you found a pretty shade of red lipstick along with a rosy gloss to go on top.

you made your way to the register to pay before you felt an arm snake around your waist.
"here, i got it." finn smiled, sliding his own credit card to the cashier without knowing what you bought.

you smiled as you and finn walked out of the store with your small bag of makeup and his arm wrapped around your waist snuggly before he stopped you gently.

he tugged you to the side to be out of the way of the bustling people in the walkways. finn looked down at you with curious eyes, his eyes darting from the bag in your hand to your lips.

"what?" you giggled.

"show me!" finn laughed, gesturing to the lipstick and gloss in your bag to which you rolled your eyes playfully.

"strawberry lipstick and gloss." you explained.

you took out the lipstick and applied it on your lips slowly and carefully, then moving to the lipgloss to slide it over the top of your lipstick's layer to finish it off.

finn's eyes watched your every move intently carefully and precisely.

you popped your lips as you closed the lip gloss, pouting your lips to show off the look. "ok, what do you think?" you ask.

finn's eyes were glued to your lips, but then again, what else was new? he absolutely loved that shade of lipstick on you, and he couldn't help himself.

he gently placed a hand to cup your check before slamming his lips into yours, your newly applied cosmetics on your lips now surely carrying on to finn's lips as you kissed.

he carefully ran a playful lick across your bottom lip before bitting it gently with a smirk.

you two had to keep the kiss short, due to standing in public in a mall next to bustling people. you smiled as you pulled away from finn's touch with a pop from your gloss. 

"told you i was going to get that lip." he whispered as he smirked confidently as your lipstick and gloss was faintly stained on his own lips.

his arm then snakes around your waist to dangle around your torso while you two began walking again through the mall.

finn didn't mind the lipstick on himself from your own lips.

all he could think about, was the taste of the strawberry lips he just tasted from you. he loved it.

it was a clear mark of what was yours..

»»————-  ————-««

a/n :


ok, hear me out, i'm so sorry for leaving you guys having, i've just had so much going on with so many other books & ONLINE SCHOOL SUCKS.

thanks for sticking around though :') .. <3

i just wanted to say that :

I LOVE YOU GUYS. you are all such nice & amazing people & i'm just so grateful that you guys read & enjoy my stories. ♡


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